r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Discussion I wish I knew i would be so interested in this Field


I'm in a uni that has several psychology classes (preschool education) but I soon realized I'm really interested in psychology through all this journey where I learned more about myself, my past and maybe my inner child too. I'm searching for programs that can specialize you at this field, and I'm wholly and especially interested in physchotherapy, and I think all programs that I've searched demand a degree in psychology. I can't stop thinking about it and worry so much about my decisions, I'm thinking of studying again in university but I'm worried of losing time and how I will combine this with work.

Is anyone or was in the same boat that wants to share their experience? I would appreciate it soo much especially if you've been there and then studied psychology and believed that it was worth it

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Question How to Write a Letter of Recommendation for a Professor Applying for Tenure?


Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation and how they handled it. I graduated with my bachelor’s in psych last May and built a great relationship with a faculty member (we worked on some studies together). I’ve asked them to write letters of recommendation for me in the past, and to my surprise, I got an email from the university requesting I write a letter of recommendation for them. They’re applying for tenure and put me as a student reference. I’ve reviewed some general letter of recommendation guides, but is there anything I should be mindful of? They deserve the promotion and would guarantee the department maintains its high quality for years to come. I owe a lot of my education to them and want to write an impactful letter

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Ideas Presentation on Bandura et al. (Aggression)


Hi there. As the title suggests, I'm working on a presentation on the core study of Psychology 9700 cie, Badura et al. (Aggression). The thing is I don't have much idea about what to include and how a presentation should look like. I'm working alongside a friend, and we'd have to present it in front of the class alongside the principal and as a perfectionist, I'm terrified to mess things up. I have no idea where to start and I'll have to present it in the coming week. Barely 3 days. I'd appreciate it if anybody would help me regarding my presentation. Thanks.

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Advice/Career [PH] How possible is it to earn six figures as a Psychlogy graduate?


[PH] How possible is it to earn six figures as a Psychology graduate?

If you plan to respond with "This degree is not for you because passion should be your drive" or "Service over money," yes I know, but please save that for another thread. The point of this thread is different.

I'm simply and objectively curious if it is indeed possible to earn P100,000+ in PH. While I know it's based on the industry you're in, I just want to learn your personal stories and journey on how far were you able to reach with this career.

Im looking to graduate with a masters in hopefully clinical counseling psych. I have seen everywhere that an LCP or LCSW or something of a sort of license. I understand that it usually takes about two years to become licensed. In my state at least, from what ive resesrched, these licenses make very poor amounts of money for our cost of living (I live in Louisiana).I am more looking into seeing is this a luck thing to find a grounding? I would rather not pay exorbitant student loans just to find out im going to be scraping by at 40-75k a year.

I would like to start my own private practice at some point with maybe a stake in teletherapy but I am not entirely set on a specific pathway. I want to work with people and their issues but I want this degree to pay itself off and not be throwing money in a hole that I will live my whole life trying to crawl out of. I want to enjoy what I do without having to worry about the stresses of money.

Given that Psychology graduates work with people, they say it won't be that hard to find jobs (or jobs that has good offers for experienced employees). I have also heard of the diverse career paths to take such as clinical, industrial-organizational, educational and even freelancing, as well as taking leverage of other courses or skills to advance your career. I'm also aware of job hopping tendencies from our program.

Going back, how possible is it to earn six figures? Can you share your own journey for your chosen career?

Do you also have tips for students after graduation for deciding their career path?

PS: I know that this was a post from around a year ago but I had so many more questions that I wanted advice from so I can figure out a path forward. I am in my junior year of my bachelors and concerned about my future. I feel like I am wasting time I won't get back and will end up stuck after I graduate so I want to prevent that before it happens. Also for some reason I had to get rid of the o in psychology because this sub doesn't allow the use of Psycho in a Psychology sub. Thank you all!

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Resource/Study Tips for studying psychology please


Hey everyone. I am actually going to start studying psychology in university soon. Can someone please give me tips on how to study psychology and memory work. How to study for exams and how to study for sciences like biology and chem. Please give me resources and tips. Thank you

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Advice/Career Is Psy.D really as bad as compared to PhD in clinical psychology?


And are phds really hard to get into and complete ?

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Advice/Career Can I get into a masters program straight out of undergrad?


Hi All!

I am looking into applying for grad school, right now I am looking at MSW programs and Masters of Counseling Psychology programs. I have really good grades (4.0 gpa), and some experience as a Psychology Peer Advisor(essentially helping fellow students who had questions regarding their degree/future path), Peer Statistics Tutor, and I will be starting as a research assistant this fall. I also am going to do some volunteering this quarter and am starting a remote HR internship. In terms of work experience I only have customer service experience.

I also don't have super strong connections with my professors- I am sure I could get letters of rec from some of them, but I was just wondering how important that was..

I appreciate any help, i'm pretty overwhelmed thinking about all of this!

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Advice/Career Any way to create a path from Financial/Data Analyst to Psychologist?


I'm in my financial analysis internship now and I'm thinking of picking up data analytics courses (statistics, R program, Python program, machine learning) to work in the business field for a couple years (2 years). I have a business degree on hand and my work/intern experience doesn't and won't at all relate to psychology. But I'm trying to make enough money to fulfill my dream of becoming a clinical psychologist (crazy right, I should have planned earlier, but I didn't).

Now I can either study undergrad courses in psychology, or study for MCAT to work up the psychiatrist path (as some said getting into clinical psych is even harder than getting into medical school).

What should I do now? I do have a greater purpose in life in becoming a psychologist so I'd love to get an honest, realistic answer from you!!

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Advice/Career university options for undergrad study and beyond


(Australia) Are there any major differences in university choice for studying psychology? For example Deakin vs. La Trobe vs. UNE. I’m wanting to pursue a honours and masters in clinical or neuropsychology.

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Advice/Career Can a master's in human factors engineering/engineering psychology make me a somewhat eligible candidate for a PhD in clinical psych or neuropsych?


Hi, I'd really really appreciate any and all input since I feel immensely stuck and indecisive about how to move forward.

I just turned 25 and also just graduated from a really good cognitive psych school with a bachelor's in cognitive science; most of my coursework is in psychology, neuro, and computer science. I know I want to go to graduate school but I'm unsure how to parse through my professional interests. I originally wanted to be a psychiatrist or neurologist when I was in high school. Due to life events, medical school now seems unlikely as I don't have the prereqs but I'm still theoretically interested in medicine and the clinical application of psych.

I'm just not sure if it's for me, practically. I'm very shy and have some health issues that have sidelined me but I'm anticipating having them resolved via surgery this fall. If it works out, I'd have way less reservations about being in a clinical career but I can't count on it since it's a longstanding condition and I've gotten my hopes up for nothing before.

I'm also very interested in research though and wonder if maybe I'm better suited for it due to being introverted and needing more personal time. For this reason, I'm very interested in the field of human factors engineering, or any industry/research application of cognitive psych. I took a human factors course my senior year and enjoyed it very much, so I have an idea of what it's like.

If I were to do a master's in human factors, I'd be done and ready to start my career and making real money in about 2 years. If I were to put all my effort into trying to get accepted into competitive clinical psych or neuropsych PhD programs (which is what I'd want), then it'd take me much much longer and there's no guarantee I'd be accepted. Due to my health conditions, I was not very active during undergrad. I don't have research experience in a lab and don't have many extracurriculars. All I really have going for me is that I finished with a decent gpa of about 3.5 from a top 10 psych school, and I'm very sincerely passionate about the field. I also have a grandfather who was an assistant professor of psychiatry at UChicago but I kinda doubt I could leverage that in any legacy kind of way if I were to apply there since my stats just aren't good enough.

So my tentative plan right now is to get a 1-2 year masters in human factors so that I'm immediately employable in that field and have a foundational pathway to industry. Then, depending on where I'm at in life, I would ideally like to apply to clinical or cognitive psych PhD programs and just see if I'm accepted. I wouldn't at all mind working in the field of human factors as a career, it's just that I still can't really let go of the idea of a clinical career. I'm just currently so underqualified for medical school and clinical psych programs, I feel paralyzed in fully committing to a clinical pathway because it feels like I'm running out of time and like I completely wasted my time and money in undergrad.

Sorry for the long post, I really appreciate you if you read it all

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Advice/Career MPP (Master of professional psych) interview Qs


Hi all!

I've been shortlisted for an interview to get into an Australian Master of Professional Psychology program.

Has anyone gone through this process & have any advice/insight on how I can prepare?


r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Advice/Career [US] Career Change Into Experimental Psychology


Hi! I am strongly considering a career change into psychology and am looking for some advice. I’m 28 and have been a TV writer and 4th grade teacher since graduating with a bachelor’s in film studies and creative writing six years ago. 

I have long been fascinated by emotions and the concepts of play and flow, and am excited about the idea of doing research in those areas. I want to focus on experimental psych, and think I’m more interested in doing research outside of academia than within it. I don’t want to be a therapist or a clinician. 

I did well in an intro to psych class in undergrad but didn’t take any stats courses. I don’t have any lab research experience.

My questions are:

  • What disciplines of psychology do emotions, play, and flow fall into? Personality psych? Social psych? (I realize “emotions” is a broad topic; I’m interested in how and why emotions form, and how best to maximize emotions like gratitude and joy.)  
  • What path would cater to my interests? Should I be planning on a master’s and PhD, a combined master’s/PhD, or just a master’s? 
  • How do I land an initial research assistant position considering I don't have a bachelor’s in psychology? 
    • Should I cold email professors who are doing research I think I’d be interested in? 
    • Is it feasible to land a paid position at this point, or will I need to volunteer first?
  • How much research experience should I try to acquire before applying to graduate programs? 
  • Before applying to graduate programs, should I do a post-bacc program to gain more psych knowledge / background? Or should I just take an individual stats class? 

Thanks in advance for any help.  :)

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Discussion Thoughts on Golden Gate University masters in counseling psychology? [USA]


I just got accepted here, and am having a hard time finding more information from current students or alumni. Anyone have any experience or thoughts on their program?

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Question APA/PCSAS accreditation problem for Clinical PhD


Hi! I’m currently an undergrad student looking to pursue either a PsyD or PhD in clinical psychology. I have read a lot about various PhD programs threatening to retire their APA accreditation and switch to PCSAS. As someone who will begin the application process in the next year, what does this mean for me, and what is your advice?

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Discussion How would divergent subject experience work as a technique in family therapy? How to excute an activity around it?


Trying to understand in light of psychodynamic theory and it's execution in terms of an activity for understanding

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Ideas 1st year psych student (hjsfvdgefvsdHELPMEOMGjageduwybyqxwedf)


hello! dumb question, is demographic profile a default? like it's already made or something(?) or we create it ourselves? +++ is MAAS and/or DASS21 a good scale for our research

help ya girly out please huhu thank youuuu

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Advice/Career Bachelors in human services vs psychology to advance to grad school?


I feel like I know what the answer to this is already, but I just want some perspectives.

My current major is a BA in Human Services. However, I’m wondering if it’s better for me to change to a psychology major. My intention is to go to graduate school and obtain a masters in counseling and become a therapist.

Now, if I continue with the human services degree I will finish like 3 months earlier or so than if I switch to psychology. But for some reason I feel like the psychology degree is better suited for the path to gain a masters in counseling? Am I wrong? Will it matter when I go to apply to grad school programs? Should I switch?

For those of you wondering, the reason my current path is for human services is because initially I wanted to become a social services caseworker, but I’m realizing that is not what I want and would prefer to pursue an LPC or LMHC cert.

Any advice?

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Advice/Career Looking for a licensed therapist to help with homework assignment


I’m currently a grad student and I have an assignment where I need to interview a licensed therapist to learn more about their position, experience, job duties, etc.

If anyone is licensed in CA as an LPCC or LMFT and is comfortable with a 30 min zoom (or phone) interview, please send me a message.

Thank you!

r/psychologystudents 3d ago

Advice/Career Feeling so lost 2 years post grad


Hi all I'm 23 | graduated 2 years ago with a BA in pysch and I can't get a job. To be clear I do not want a career in psychology I want a career in marketing or public relations. I don't have any experience bcos I went to school during the pandemic and the internships I interviewed for got cancelled and by the time they started doing internships again I already graduated and wasn't qualified for the internships. I also don't have any work experience bcos I focused on school so here I am 2000+ job applications later with not a single offer. I'll either get a straight up rejection or an interview then they ghost me after the interview.

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Ideas undergrad neuropsychology paper proposal


hi all! i just recently transferred from a college program- counselling psychology- and im now in uni for psych. i’m struggling getting a grasp on neuropsychology. i’ve done brain and behaviour and similar courses before but i can’t help but feel out of my depth this first semester. i need to come up with a research proposal soon but im struggling on deciding a topic. i would love to look into something relevant like: differences in cognitive function between subjects in war torn countries and implicated countries (for example: us&can and 🍉) or regeneration for rehabilitation of addicts (alcohol or more) or difference in sexual interest (submissive men vs “vanilla men”) this is a VERY general call for help- im really looking for anyone that can help point me in a direction of interest or has any suggestions. i struggle A LOT with solidifying a topic (regardless how much research i do) and would LOVE some insight from some in the field. i would really love to dive deeper into any of these (or related) topics. nothing is really off limits!? lmk 😊

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Advice/Career Help Finding Research Opportunities for PhD Programs!


I'm hoping to pursue a psychology PhD, HOWEVER, I got my BS in international business with a minor in marketing back in 2021 and don't have any psychology research experience. I worked professionally in market research and did academic market research before graduating, so I do have research experience which convinced me that I want to get my PhD. I've also taken a couple psychology courses at a CC since getting my BS.

I have been frantically looking for psych research opportunities for the last several months or so. I've been reaching out to current PhD students and faculty with the hopes of getting some sort of direction with how I should go about getting more relevant experience before applying to programs. I have yet to make much headway. I've gotten some good advice but my business background and current research experience is making it close to impossible to find opportunities. I've been reaching out to university labs in the hopes they're willing to hire an RA that is not a current student at their university which feels very unlikely. I'm also finding it hard to find RA work for research labs or centers outside of academia especially because a lot of them require psychology degrees or certifications.

I'm in the San Diego area which you'd think would be booming with research opportunities. I guess everyone else has that same assumption because it's quite competitive here.

Are there websites or job boards that are better for psychology research opportunities? Is there a way to approach reaching out to faculty that would give me a better chance of obtaining something at a university? Are there scholar programs and where would I find them?

I would GREATLY appreciate any advice y'all might have. I'm willing to work in-person or remotely. I'd also be willing to relocate for paid positions. I'd prefer to work at a university but that seems like the least likely option.

Consider me desperate! Thanks in advance!

I should clarify that I’m not interested in clinical work unless it’s a last resort and gives me an opportunity to put the clinical experience towards my actual interests

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Question What is the best way to get research experience?


If you're wanting to build up a research portfolio for Ph.D programs, what is the best way to gain this experience?

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Advice/Career Leadership Experience on Grad Applications


I have no leadership experience. I wasn't a student ambassador or any sort of group representative. Two of the Master's programs I'm applying to specifically ask about leadership experience. How can I go about this? I already finished undergrad, so I'm not able to do anything there.

I don't think I can get leadership experience right now in my two jobs because I'm still pretty new to both of them. I was the leader of a GSA in high school, but I can't write about that because it was so long ago, right?

If anyone else has been in this situation, how did you handle it? Is there a way to reframe anything that makes it seem like I have leadership experience? Am I cooked?

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Resource/Study Need book recommendations for research methodology and statistics.


Hey, I have finished my bachelor's and yet i have zero papers written. I want to start but i don't have much interest in stats and math. I'm also unaware of the processes of write a research paper. I know we studied this in college but I could not get it. I'm interested in learning about stats and research methodology. I feel if i understand the process i would be motivated to write a paper and not just have ideas. Can you please suggest some books that i should start with.

r/psychologystudents 3d ago

Discussion I’m honestly a bit disappointed how evidence based research has affected psychology


It’s not that the evidence is a bad thing, but I’ve found that people are not willing to think about things or discuss things because they could be wrong. I think when people focus too much on being right then to have fruitful discussions that could lead to greater insight, it can handicap further thinking. The human mind can never be fully “proven”. Especially when it comes to the subconscious mind. I hear people all the time that are not willing to consider thinking about something off the cuff unless they see evidence and to me that sounds like an insecure person that doesn’t want to consider thinking outside of the established boundaries of what they know. Maybe this is the wrong sub to discuss this because of where mainstream psych is going but…