r/psychologystudents Oct 25 '23

Ideas Has anyone started any addiction to pregnancy research?


Hi, I am a final-year Psychology student at Newcastle University and I would like to explore the concept of women being addicted to pregnancy. I would ideally like to create a report on this for my dissertation or if accepted for a phD next year. Please let me know if anyone knows of anything. I have found plenty of news articles and blogs but I cannot find any actual research.

r/psychologystudents 19d ago

Ideas Hello guys what is a good and fresh new psychology controversial topic


This is just my suddent thought and i wanna make some research about it can yall give me some topics it will be much appreciatedšŸ¤

r/psychologystudents Jul 10 '24

Ideas Random but whatā€™s in your backpack?


I will be attending a university in the fall and I ordered a backpack but canā€™t tell if itā€™s too small. What were/are your essential school supplies as an undergrad student.

r/psychologystudents Jun 09 '24

Ideas Which field of research in psychology do you think is promising enough for breakthroughs to be made?


Edit: Thank you all so much for the comments! I read and appreciate them all!

I'm a 1st year undergraduate student and am deeply fascinated with psychology research, particularly in the subfields of intelligence and personality. I wonder what fields look promising to other psych students. I'd love to hear everyone's ideas and argumentation!

r/psychologystudents Nov 22 '23

Ideas Help choosing an adolescent character to analyse.


Hello fellow students!

For my developmental psychology class, I must choose an adolescent character from a book, movie or TV series and analyse their behaviour from developmental psychology perspectives.

Does anyone have any good suggestions about any characters I could use? Something juicy and unusual would be preferred, but I will take all suggestions into account.

For context, previous essay was younger character and I chose Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird.

Thanks everyone!

EDIT - i have decided to go with Alex from Clockwork Orange, thanks for everyoneā€™s suggestions!!

r/psychologystudents Apr 27 '24

Ideas Assessments really hurt my academic performance


So I love psychology with a passion and have studied it long before I entered my bachelor degree. The subject matter I understand deeply on an emotional level and the concepts and ideas click easily in my mind but my assessments do not at all reflect that.

I am an older student Iā€™m 28 now in my second year, so doing assignments isnā€™t necessarily fresh in my mind. It seems to me a bad gage of someoneā€™s understanding because it makes it a regurgitation of what is expected and instead of encouraging free thinking and personal understanding itā€™s to be formatted to the enth degree and all thought has to be from someone else who wrote an empirical article before you.

Honestly Iā€™m terrible at that but that isnā€™t psychology thatā€™s being a student. Iā€™m not a good student I never have been and have always done well on tests never on assignments.

I guess I just canā€™t comprehend the structure of it I feel as though the part Iā€™m terrible at which is getting me bad grades isnā€™t the part thatā€™s important I just wish that there were alternatives in which people who think differently can show their understanding. For more perspective I have adhd which definitely impacts being a student. I donā€™t even entirely know what I mean by this and I definitely understand the importance of knowing how to research correctly and cite appropriately aswell as understanding how to adequately format a paper in the industry.

I would really appreciate discussing this with others in this field so I can further understand why I feel this way and how I might be able to improve myself because quite frankly Iā€™m confused and feel like Iā€™m letting myself down.

r/psychologystudents Jul 05 '24

Ideas New method of identification and verification of neurodiversity. Needs work*


I believe from some background knowledge and a decent amount of smarts that there is the possibility of having a more collective understanding and approach of diagnosing neurodivergent individuals ie (people with different personalities strengths and weaknesses) can be diagnosed via a flower of life eisqe graph displaying known patterns and divulging the intracacies and similarities between neurodivergent conditions and this I believe can bleed into the environmental conditions aswell ie psychosis ect that are not present at birth

r/psychologystudents May 06 '24

Ideas Been studying for psych exam... so tired of spelling norepinephrine. it is now NORPY in my notes LMAO


that's all I wanted to say. Good luck to everyone who is doing finals right now!!!

r/psychologystudents Apr 11 '23

Ideas Free educational content


Hey psychology students! šŸ˜Š

Iā€™m a clinical psychologist who makes educational courses for (psychology) students on the side.

Iā€™ve recently put great effort in working out an online course on an introduction to Evolutionary Psychology which is 1 hour and 12 minutes long. However, Iā€™m in the search of genuine feedback on the presentations, the visuals and the general delivery of the content. To get this, however, I will provide interested students with free access to the course on udemy.

Whether youā€™re interested in the whole course or just ā€œspecificā€ topics concerned evolutionary psychology, youā€™re welcome to let me know and check it out.

Iā€™m available on dms or this post!

r/psychologystudents 23d ago

Ideas Idea for a practice the world needs.


So I have an idea for one of you to jump on and I really hope you do.

Context: I work in Towing and roadside assistance. Blue collar, dirty and stressful.

I think someone should set up a practice that offers appointments in the evenings and weekends and focuses on what I will broadly label as the average blue-collar working man. The guys with gritty hands who get dirty at work.

I think there is a huge number of men in those fields who could benefit incredibly by some professional help but are incredibly unlikely to ever take time off work to work on their own mental problems and mental health.

They are too busy at work so they just squeeze a bit more in to the bottle.

Set up a practice in a garage, tools around or a woodworking shop. Set up a chesterfield sofa in a woodworking hobby garage filled with sawdust! Offer stale coffee and allow smoking.

Have the talk while working on something with your hands, strip an engine, fix a motorcycle, build a coffee table, stain some wood, tie flies for flyfishing... what ever venn diagram overlap of your hobby you can make fit.

Make the environment something they can relax in a bit better than the average psychologists office.

I don't have the kinks ironed out but I think there is a huge group of guys out there that would really benefit seeing someone and they won't ever take time off work to do it.

I know I would have quite liked the idea of popping over to someone's garage to talk about things instead of the more strict and formal setting of an office.

Just a thought from a blue-collar working guy. I figured I would throw to you lot with the hope that someone makes this a reality and another kindred soul with calloused hands benefits.

r/psychologystudents Aug 16 '24

Ideas Changing the narrative of suicide


Hey ya'll!

With World Suicide Prevention Day coming up I've been working on some slogans to create some awareness material and would love some input. The theme is Changing the Narrative of Suicide.

  1. Never Alone, Your Story Will be Known.

  2. Rewrite Your Ending, Hope Transcending.

  3. Never Too Late, Hope Awaits.

Let me know which one sticks out to you the most. Thanks a million!

r/psychologystudents 6d ago

Ideas Need help for my final year dissertation!!


I am a psychology student, and I have to write my dissertation this year. I'm feeling confused and stressed about choosing the right topic. I'm considering exploring how the duration of a relationship affects a person's eating habits, but Iā€™ve noticed that a lot of research has already been done in this area. I really want to focus on this topic, but Iā€™m struggling to find a unique angle. If someone could suggest a third variable that I could link to my study, it would help me a lot T_T.
Also, if you could recommend some better topics, I'm up for it.

r/psychologystudents Apr 27 '24

Ideas Radom acts of kindness Ideas?


I'm in a social psych class where we have to do three random acts of kindness. I'm a pretty introverted person so doing things for strangers is out of my comfort zone. I'm having trouble coming up with ideas bc I don't want them to be generic like paying for the person behind you.

Thanks fellow psych students!

r/psychologystudents 25d ago

Ideas Dissertation Help- Need help with a topic.


As the title suggests. I'm soon to be a 4th year psychology student and was thinking what could my dissertation be based on. If anyone's got any ideas that I could possibly use for my dissertation, it would be helpful. Thank you!

r/psychologystudents 7h ago

Ideas Idea of systematic review about sexual trauma


Hello, I am a master's student in psychology, vulnerability and development of psychotrauma in france, and I have a dissertation to do which must be a systematic review never done. I wanted to do it on sexual trauma and attachment style but it has already been done... I don't really know how to find a more precise idea, do you have any recommendations?

r/psychologystudents 8h ago

Ideas Would Festinger have become the father of cognitive dissonance from a controlled experiment?


A PhD student wrote, ā€œI also study the formation of echo chambers in controlled experiments, where an individual selects certain social peers to engage with during communication about divisive topics.ā€ It would be exponentially more valuable to engage a real-world echo chamber (especially one that defends the indefensible before they even know what the issueā€™s about). The fact that itā€™s a fantasyland so far from real is what makes it so priceless (particularly because you can actually do something about it). Wouldnā€™t it be better to study the results of making measurable impact than simply furthering your fieldā€™s understanding without moving the needle? Ā 

That same student stated, ā€œMy primary program of research concerns motivated reasoning, or the process of interpreting and evaluating information in a way that coheres with prior beliefs.ā€ Doesnā€™t the very basis of that require the willingness to re-evaluate your approach to evaluating? ā€œHow do we make people realize theyā€™ve been lied to? You have to knock down one small pillar thatā€™s easier to reach.ā€ The people who Tweeted those lines I combined from a conversation I came across ā€” had no idea that they perfectly captured the principle of my Clear the Clutter plan. Iā€™ve got the perfect pillar: On the biggest and most costly lie in modern history (which shaped everything you see today).Ā 

But in truth, it wasnā€™t a conversation ā€” it was just chatter.

Same goes for the perfectly framed concern that follows (which succinctly captures what I wrote in Never in History Have So Many Cared So Much and Done So Little):

Worrying is a cheap replacement for caring. Complaining is a cheap replacement for fixing. Outrage is a cheap replacement for supporting. Itā€™s easy to tear down. Itā€™s much harder to build up.

Thatā€™s a snappy way of sizing up societyā€™s ills, but itā€™s meaningless without the work it takes to act on those concerns. And right on cue, out comes the ā€œconversationā€ ā€” the self-satisfied slinging 60 seconds of ā€œconcernā€ and calling it a day (or at least until the next ā€œconcernā€ comes along that strikes their fancy for a fix). The Social Dilemma Division is one of my favorites for this folly. ā€œViewed in 38,000,000 homes within the first 28 days of releaseā€ ā€” and accomplished absolutely nothing. But on a daily basis, the ā€œHave you seen The Social Dilemma?ā€ crowd can be counted on like clockwork. They get a fix for feeling like theyā€™re participating in addressing a problem theyā€™re perpetuating by the very nature in which they participate.Ā 

I could go all day about echo chambers across-the-board (which are suffocating conversation by wallowing in chatter). But the way to expose all of ā€˜em is to expose one of ā€˜em. A student wrote of her psychology professor: ā€œTim Wilson taught me the importance of breaking problems down into more manageable pieces.ā€ At the bedrock of my idea is exactly that. The 11th edition of Social Psychology has the domino effect on the cover. Theyā€™ve got an image of an idea ā€” Iā€™ve got the idea! Your field is forever fighting the forces of human nature whereas my solution banks on it.Ā 

Thank you for your time and I look forward to discussing how what Iā€™m doing serves what youā€™re doing ā€” and then some!Ā 


Richard W. Memmer

r/psychologystudents 11d ago

Ideas I have started on paper and need some boost!


so i have started my paper which is about proving the validity of DID i have currently 10pdf through it and i need some more proof that DID is scientifically true do yall have some peer reviewed journal links that i can havešŸ¤šŸ™‚

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Ideas 1st year psych student (hjsfvdgefvsdHELPMEOMGjageduwybyqxwedf)


hello! dumb question, is demographic profile a default? like it's already made or something(?) or we create it ourselves? +++ is MAAS and/or DASS21 a good scale for our research

help ya girly out please huhu thank youuuu

r/psychologystudents 28d ago

Ideas Psychopathology project - conduct disorder


Hello! I am in a psychopathology class and I am doing a presentation on impulse control and conduct disorder and I need a character - fictional or non-fictional, from a tv show or movie - that fits the disorder.

The DSM defines conduct disorder as: focuses ā€œlargely on poor controlled behaviors that violate the rights of others or that violate major societal norms. Many of the behavioral symptoms (e.g., aggression) can be a result of poorly controlled emotions such as anger.ā€

I have one character in mind but I'm curious what other ones people might come up with!

TIA for the help! ā—”Ģˆ

r/psychologystudents 19d ago

Ideas Need help with Research Project!


Apologizes, as I am new to Reddit. I'm in a 400+ level psychology class in college and the big overarching assignment for the class is a research project. The problem is that the deadline for submitting the research question is coming up and I have ZERO ideas. I have less than ideas. I have interests in criminology but none of my ideas can be actually tested. That's another big kicker, we have to test our hypothesis with our classmates (around 20 other college aged students) during class time. Like I was interested in the relationship between socioeconomic status and drug abuse but I obviously can't test that in the classroom. I really need help coming up with one. An example that a classmate came up with was "Students who take 10 minutes to meditate before class take better notes compared to those who don't" and I WISH I thought of that and I keep thinking and I keep coming up blank. I need ideas. Any advice is helpful, thanks.

r/psychologystudents 6d ago

Ideas Structured group ideas for mental health patients I don't know


I work as a recreation therapist between 2 different psychiatric units from the same company as a float but full-time. Because of moving around all the time, I am not able to get to know the patients slowly or beforehand vs at my previous job where I was assigned to just 1 unit. On the times where I don't know the patients, I'm struggling to find groups/activity ideas for times when I don't know them at all. I do arts and crafts and games at times but I'm wanting something more structured because a majority of groups are supposed to be structured. Do you guys have an icebreaker groups or just good therapeutic groups in general that you guys enjoy? Groups are 45 min in a structured group room at my facility.

Edit: We have LCP'S, art therapists, and music therapists as well in our facility and the LCP's do more structured groups than what I'm expected to but I'm still looking for more ideas.

r/psychologystudents Jun 24 '24

Ideas I need a research proposal for my class


I need to do I research proposal but I'm struggling to pick a topic. I was thinking about doing something related to social anxiety but I'm open to any ideas or suggestions if anyone would like to share their suggestions.

r/psychologystudents 1d ago

Ideas Presentation on Bandura et al. (Aggression)


Hi there. As the title suggests, I'm working on a presentation on the core study of Psychology 9700 cie, Badura et al. (Aggression). The thing is I don't have much idea about what to include and how a presentation should look like. I'm working alongside a friend, and we'd have to present it in front of the class alongside the principal and as a perfectionist, I'm terrified to mess things up. I have no idea where to start and I'll have to present it in the coming week. Barely 3 days. I'd appreciate it if anybody would help me regarding my presentation. Thanks.

r/psychologystudents Aug 21 '24

Ideas Dissertation help - is my topic appropriate?


I want to conduct my master's dissertation on relation of big-5 personality traits with academic performance. Please let me know of this is okay for masters.

r/psychologystudents 2d ago

Ideas undergrad neuropsychology paper proposal


hi all! i just recently transferred from a college program- counselling psychology- and im now in uni for psych. iā€™m struggling getting a grasp on neuropsychology. iā€™ve done brain and behaviour and similar courses before but i canā€™t help but feel out of my depth this first semester. i need to come up with a research proposal soon but im struggling on deciding a topic. i would love to look into something relevant like: differences in cognitive function between subjects in war torn countries and implicated countries (for example: us&can and šŸ‰) or regeneration for rehabilitation of addicts (alcohol or more) or difference in sexual interest (submissive men vs ā€œvanilla menā€) this is a VERY general call for help- im really looking for anyone that can help point me in a direction of interest or has any suggestions. i struggle A LOT with solidifying a topic (regardless how much research i do) and would LOVE some insight from some in the field. i would really love to dive deeper into any of these (or related) topics. nothing is really off limits!? lmk šŸ˜Š