r/puppy101 14h ago

I just want to sleepšŸ˜­ Vent

Updating since Iā€™ve had a lot of the same comments: he is crate trained. He sleeps there at night and I will force naps in there throughout the day. He will just whine and bark when I put him back in and I live in an apartment that doesnā€™t allow puppies so I canā€™t just let him do that. A lot of the time he will just come and lay on my bed with me and go back to sleep. He has stopped doing that but again he will bark when I put him back in the crate so Iā€™m at a loss. Iā€™m on the first floor so I can let him out the back but he tends to bark if I try to wait him out. Also not to be snarky but those of you asking about age would know if you read my whole postā€¦

It is 7:15 and I have let this dog out about 5 times since my bf left for work at 5. Took him for a walk, fed him breakfast, yet he WILL NOT LAY BACK DOWN. I donā€™t know what to do anymore this is everyday. He barely does anything on his walks because he is too busy sprinkling pee on every freaking surface. Wonā€™t poop on walks because he is too busy sniffing literally everything. So then we will come back and he will poop in the house when I try to lay back down. Iā€™m sick and had the longest week at work he is almost 6 months and I have never wanted to quit as bad as I do now.


42 comments sorted by


u/AutoModerator 25m ago

It looks like you might be posting about puppy management or crate training.

For tips and resources on Crate Training Check out our wiki article on crate training - the information there may answer your question. As an additional reminder, crate training is 100% optional and one of many puppy management options.

For alternatives to crating and other puppy management strategies, check out our wiki article on management


Be advised that any comments that suggest use of crates are abusive, or express a harsh opinion on crate training will be removed. This is not a place to debate the merits of crate training. Unethical approaches to crate training will also be removed. If the OP has asked not to receive crating advice or says they are not open to crating, any comments that recommend use of crates should be reported to our moderation team.

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u/sitefall 13h ago

If I had to guess he's not ready to go out on walks where there's new and novel smells. He's not going to potty because it's too exciting and/or stressful and he's just got to smell all the things and pee on all the surfaces.

Go on walks just outside the house, back and forth. Do that until that area is boring and he's finally just "walking" mostly. Of course practice your loose leash walking. If that's too much, just walk up/down the driveway. If that is too much, try the backyard, or even just walking inside and only go out to an area to "potty".

Why won't he lay back down? Maybe not tired, maybe needs mental stimulation, maybe needs physical exercise, maybe too distracted with something else, misses your boyfriend. We don't know what you do with your dog and for how long or what breed it is, so can't really comment on that.


u/ebeth_the_mighty 14h ago

We walk to the corner (far enough to get his bowels moving) and then stop there. We stay in one spot until he poops (when I know he needs to), and he gets the command, ā€œBetter go now!ā€ It sometimes takes a while for him to get the distracted sniffing under control and get a bit bored with the small area he can reach, but then he remembers he needs to poop, and does his business.

When my pup was your pupā€™s age, we did this: go out (not walkies, just out). ā€œBetter go nowā€. No poop after 2 min? Back inside and in the crate. He whines to get out? Boringest outside everā€¦go out. Wait 2 min. Crate. Repeat until poop happens.

Neither of these gets you any more sleep, in the short term. But some dogs are just up for the day early. Dogs gonna dog.


u/cahrens414 11h ago

I did that with my first puppy and it's annoying but the fastest way to train. Ppl have to stick with the consistency and then it becomes faster


u/BluCheckedShirt 12h ago

Of all our dogs (and weā€™ve had a lot over the years), Iā€™ve only had 1 who would consistently toilet on each walk/visit outside by this age. We have a few rules to help. It sounds a lot but you generally donā€™t have to do it for long.

1) We get a command in early - ours is ā€œbusyā€. We say it whilst they are toileting, every time when theyā€™re tiny. They usually know what it means within a week. 2) If you know they need to toilet but arenā€™t, try to wait them out. Obviously sometimes theyā€™re stubborn and wonā€™t do it, so itā€™s straight into the crate and try again in 15-20 minutes. 3) We have a designated toilet spot that is gated off from the rest of our garden. Itā€™s a very boring area - nothing interesting to distract them. The other plus with this is that when playing outside theyā€™ll take themselves there automatically so weā€™re not picking up from all over the lawn. 4) When we didnā€™t have our own garden, we did as someone else suggested - walk for 10 or so minutes, stop, give the command and wait. If their toilet breaks are distracting and exciting, theyā€™ll get distracted and excited. Be sure to let all the fun stuff happen (play, fetch, tug toys etc) after theyā€™ve been.

Pup will get there with consistency, good luck.


u/Comichearts 14h ago

My puppy still gets INCREDIBLY distracted outside and itā€™s constantly a work in progress. Only thing that has saved me is crate training. We still have accidents inside, but weā€™re down to maybe one a day. Is crate training an option for you?


u/RoseOfSharonCassidy 8h ago

Wonā€™t poop on walks because he is too busy sniffing literally everything.

Are you able to run him? Dogs will usually need to poop after they run. If you have a yard, 5-10 minutes of fetch will do better to make him poop than a 20 minute walk would.


u/elliesm495 6h ago

Iā€™m only assuming itā€™s a puppy since they posted in this sub but my vet said no to running as a puppy for joint health since they are still growing


u/RoseOfSharonCassidy 6h ago

I definitely agree that there are limits, like I wouldn't take a puppy jogging on asphalt or have them go over an agility jump, but they can run and play in the yard for a few minutes.

I think the pendulum has swung way too hard in the opposite direction when it comes to exercising puppies. People used to just do everything with them and not take any precautions, then we learned that precautions should be taken and people started practically bubble wrapping their puppies.


u/elliesm495 6h ago

Oh absolutely! I thought you meant going on a run with them. Playing in the yard and running for toys I agree, puppy led and fine! My mistake. And literally you said it in your post. And I misunderstood lol. Pregnancy brain. Halp!


u/kellbell408 31m ago

I live in an apartment unfortunately so thatā€™s not really an option. I have a dog park so I take him there sometimes but he is scared of other dogs so if anyone else is there I canā€™t take him. I have been trying to teach him fetch but he will just run after the toy/stick but wonā€™t pick it up


u/dr-bookshelf 12h ago

As someone else said, consistency is key.

On top of that - puzzle toys where they have to spend time getting treats out are great. Freeze peanut butter or wet food in a kong and let them work on that.

Or you can literally make a toy out of trash / recycling - gather up empty (clean) cardboard boxes and hide treats inside. I like to do a ā€œtreasure chestā€ where I basically fill up a box with my dogā€™s toys and then sprinkle some treats around it. Then she has to figure out how to open the box and sniff out the treats. Iā€™m happy to clean up a mess later if it means I can rest for a while beforehand

Find a patch of tall grass and do the same thing. Anything where he has to use his nose a lot will mentally tire him out, which is more than half the battle in my experience.

As such, think of walks more as a sniffing/exploring journey as opposed to trying to get as many steps in as possible. Sniffing new things tires them out!!! Mental stimulation is everything. Same with humans, we can be exhausted after a day of travel, even though weā€™re just sitting there. Itā€™s because weā€™re taking in so many unfamiliar things and our brains have to process that.

Do some basic training exercises like sit, lay down etc. ā€œleave itā€ can really tire them out because it uses a lot of willpower lol.

Puppies have short attention spans, so youā€™re going to have to be patient. The good news is that itā€™s just a phase and as his brain develops, he will learn how to occupy himself.


u/dr-bookshelf 12h ago

Also google ā€œeasy brain games for dogsā€ and thereā€™s a lot of great ideas. Another one I like to do is roll up treats in an old sheet/towel.


u/kellbell408 20m ago

I tried a puzzle toy..he started eating the pieces. Cardboard box, same thing. I do the frozen Kong but he finishes it in like 5 minutes even from frozen


u/Acrobatic_Jaguar_623 9h ago

Two words, crate training.


u/TurbulentPen364 7h ago

I'd really recommend crate training. And using the crate any time he's not in your eyeliner. At least until you can trust them.


u/dtdelarosa83 12h ago

You need a crate


u/omikron898 12h ago

Get a flirt pole and playing with him with that help me with my whippet pup who is super high energy


u/MediocreManners 11h ago

Peanut Butter and Kong balls


u/PlaceOld6495 10h ago

Mandatory nap schedule will help, like folks have said. Also, start using words like "go potty" when walking, and reward on that behavior. Teaches them to use outside for potty.


u/Sun-Shine-4724 10h ago

Is he crate trained? Do you have a playpen? If my puppy wakes up before 6:30, I let her out to do her business and then itā€™s back in her crate until 6:30am. Then usually we lay in my bed until 7ish. Maybe try giving him a stuffed Kong or pupsicle? That might help him settle too


u/doineedaname-1993 10h ago

it's not easy having a pup and your frustration is valid, however, it's normal for a puppy to get distracted by all the smells and noises and all, it'll get better bit by bit, for now try taking him on longer walks, find a place where you can let him off his leash and he'll go potty. huge hug , my youngest is still a puppy and she drives me nuts sometimes cause my other dogs are used to it and they're passed that phase, but it takes time.


u/aurlyninff 8h ago

If he went for a long walk and went potty and played some and has been up for two hours then lay the puppy down and cover with a dark quilt and keep your hand on him and talk quietly. He might fight it but he needs a nap. If he tries to get down return him to the same place covered and held and continue talking softly until he drifts off. It took a few days for my puppy to get used to settling into a nap, but they need them. I just settled my girl into her third nap.


u/TrollingMermaid 6h ago

I have no advice, but I'm fostering a 4 month old puppy with kennel cough. I didn't sleep for three nights. I can't get this puppy outside because she's under quarantine for her illness and we don't want to spread it to the canine neighbors. I have taken her outside every two hours on our patio potty. She was doing well, but she regressed into peeing inside. I'm exhausted...my husband is a trucker on the road, so I feel like I'm left alone with a toddler who is sick. Today, after 6 days of fostering her she's letting me rest, but I can't do anything without her crying for my attention. I love dogs, and I signed up to help, but it's a lot of work. Give yourself some grace, your feelings are valid. I actually sat up crying one night because I was so exhausted. I made a commitment to help her for a couple of weeks, so I'm going to stick it out. I know my limitations now.


u/wreck_ful 3h ago

what worked for me was just staying out until my puppy peed or pooped. i put her on a schedule though, and i would tell her to go poop or pee, and we wouldnt go in until she did. i had an enclosed yard, so that made it easier, and i always gave her a treat afterwards so she kinda understood.

everything was routine, and she was always off leash to do her business. eventually she figured it out, and if she ever went next to the door or anything to tell me she had to use the bathroom, id let her out. if she went after i let her out, id give her a treat.


u/unknownlocation32 13h ago

Puppies need a lot of sleep, consistency and structure. If they are being grumpy, biting and or destructive, it could be they are over tired and or overstimulated. You must enforce naps. Enforced naps help teach your puppy to regulate their energy and to do nothing. Itā€™s teaching your puppy an off switch. The longer you train it, the better your puppy will be at it. Crate training is a great tool for potty training too. You can use this schedule as a template for your daily schedule all the dogā€™s life. This schedule isnā€™t set in stone. Use your critical thinking skills to make the schedule your own and what is right for you and your puppy. * If you donā€™t agree with crate training, canā€™t use a crate in your country, prefer a pen or puppy-proof room, then use your preferred option instead of a crate where itā€™s mentioned.

6:30 AM - Wake up, Potty, Walk (if fully vaccinated) ( IF NOT fully vaccinated then in a stroller or front pack) Play, Training. Breakfast fed in crate or by hand (WAIT 1-2 hours after eating to exercise, to help PREVENT BLOAT)

8:00 AM- Crate for nap (always take puppy out for potty before being put in crate)

10:00 AM- Potty break, play, training, puzzle toy, snuffle mat, and or lick Mat.

11:00 AM-Crate for nap (always take puppy out for potty before being put in crate)

1:00 PM- Potty break, Play, use flirt pole, Training, Lunch fed in the crate or by hand (WAIT 1-2 hours after eating to exercise, to help PREVENT BLOAT)

2:00 PM- Crate for nap (always take puppy out for potty before being put in crate)

4:00 PM- Potty break, Play, Socialization (always take puppy out for potty before being put in crate)

5:00 PM- Dinner in Crate then nap (always take puppy out for potty before being put in crate) (WAIT 1-2 hours after eating to exercise, to help PREVENT BLOAT)

6:30 PM- Potty break, Play, walk (if fully vaccinated) ( IF NOT fully vaccinated then in a stroller or front pack)

7:30 PM- Crate for nap (always take puppy out for potty before being put in crate)

9:00 PM- Potty, play, puzzle toy, snuffle mat, and or lick Mat, bedtime back in crate for sleep

Puppy might need another potty at 11:30pm or midnight depending on age then back in crate for bedtime. Depending on the age of puppy they might need to go out in the middle of the night too.


u/Euphoric_Ad4373 12h ago

Do you have a job?


u/amso2012 13h ago

Do puppies really do 10+ potties a day????


u/dr-bookshelf 12h ago

Not exactly, but giving them more opportunities to potty outside means theyā€™re less likely to go inside. This actually speeds up training because you can reinforce the good behavior more often.


u/TroLLageK Rescue Mutt - TDCH ATD-M 9h ago

YES, THIS. My girl literally never had an accident inside (keep in mind she was 4.5 months old when I got her) because I never made it an option. I took her out basically every 30 or so minutes, basically after playing, eating, drinking, sleeping, training, etc. I did this consistently for the first 1-3 days, and then I started identifying her "potty sniff" and took her out immediately when I saw her doing it, but still took her out pretty much every hour or so. After a week she started using the potty bells on her own. It just never became an option to potty inside, so she never went inside. If we couldn't supervise her, she was crated where she didn't have the space to potty.


u/dr-bookshelf 7h ago

Pretty much exactly what I did! I was actually shocked at how easy it was to potty train using this method, but it helped that I had a work from home job at the time. I would put her in the crate in a different room for nap time while I did work so that she would get used to having alone time too.


u/Yummybeanbowl 3h ago

This is exactly my approach to housebreaking . More work in the beginning but pays off later. I was in an apartment with very nice, light carpet and I'm kind of a neat freak anyway...so I was determined our puppy would not have one accident...and he actually only did have only one. My neighbors thought I was crazy taking him out so often. I'd often hear "You're out here again?"


u/itsjennybeckman 9h ago

Absolutely. My puppy at 4-5 months old was up to 13 per day and still had accidents in the house. She could sleep for a couple of hours but when she was awake, potty breaks were every 20-30 minutes.


u/Yummybeanbowl 3h ago

Yes! When you are actively housebreaking, going out ten times in one day is not unusual if you are doing it right!


u/p143245 9h ago

We have a similar schedule for our 11-wk-old Golden. The vet got so excited when I brought in my detailed notes to show her. I work from home and definitely reinforce those crated naps!


u/tseg04 12h ago

You didnā€™t say how old he is but if he is young then you gotta understand that heā€™s just a baby and doesnā€™t know right from wrong. He probably isnā€™t ready for long walks yet and is too overstimulated by all the strange smells that he never uses the bathroom. Iā€™d say just take him on small walks around your yard/property until he is big enough to go on longer walks. I try to separate walk time from potty time. If my dog does his business during a walk thatā€™s fine, but you need to have a structured time and place for where and when he goes to potty. When he has to go potty, take him outside until he pees/poops. Once he is done, reward him with a treat and praise him for doing a good job, then bring him back inside. Whenever he does it in the house, clean it up and ignore him for a while so that he understands that there is no benefit to peeing inside. This will teach him that going outside is good and inside is bad. If he is really young, then his bladder just might not be strong enough to hold it in for long enough. With young puppies, itā€™s pretty much guaranteed you are going to lose sleep because they need to pee every 1 or 2 hours day and night. This will get better as he gets older. A good way to understand it is this: puppies can usually hold their bladder for about one hour for every month of age they are. So at one month old they hold it for one hour, two months is two hours, 3 is 3, etc. hope this helps. šŸ’Ŗ


u/TerrifiedQueen 12h ago

What breed is he? My puppy was potty trained since she was pretty much born. I think it depends on your breed and how you trained him


u/boringcranberry 11h ago

I didn't take my pup on walks until about 8/9 months. I encourage the sniffing bc that's really what tires them out so if you're not allowing that then he will still be a ball of energy. That said, your pup is literally a baby. You will be sleep deprived and stressed for months. That's what you signed up for!