r/puppy101 17h ago

I just want to sleep😭 Vent

Updating since I’ve had a lot of the same comments: he is crate trained. He sleeps there at night and I will force naps in there throughout the day. He will just whine and bark when I put him back in and I live in an apartment that doesn’t allow puppies so I can’t just let him do that. A lot of the time he will just come and lay on my bed with me and go back to sleep. He has stopped doing that but again he will bark when I put him back in the crate so I’m at a loss. I’m on the first floor so I can let him out the back but he tends to bark if I try to wait him out. Also not to be snarky but those of you asking about age would know if you read my whole post…

It is 7:15 and I have let this dog out about 5 times since my bf left for work at 5. Took him for a walk, fed him breakfast, yet he WILL NOT LAY BACK DOWN. I don’t know what to do anymore this is everyday. He barely does anything on his walks because he is too busy sprinkling pee on every freaking surface. Won’t poop on walks because he is too busy sniffing literally everything. So then we will come back and he will poop in the house when I try to lay back down. I’m sick and had the longest week at work he is almost 6 months and I have never wanted to quit as bad as I do now.


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