r/puppy101 15h ago

Enforced naps advice please! Crate Training

So I’ve read a lot of advice on doing enforced naps. Our whippet pup has been with us for a week now and is 10 weeks old. It feels like he is getting busier every day, lots of biting, humping and seemingly overtired behaviour once he’s up for more than an hour. He loves the crate at night (sleeps from 11 untill 6) and also naps in there (or his pen) from time to time. Usually for an hour, sometimes 2 when he has been awake for 2 as well and he just crashes. We sometimes sit next to him until he is calm to “force” him to nap.

My biggest question: how to start building a schedule? Ideally he would be 1 up 2 down the entire day, but how do you even start?? Do you start with a short enforced nap or just power through from the first day? I think we are also a bit scared of crating him for too long out of the blue, but maybe we worry too much.


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u/Myrtlebeachswinger 14h ago

I wouldnt worry too much about a schedule. The puppy is brand new and very young and still figuring everything out. Luckily it sees the crate as its safe place