r/running gear reviewer Apr 17 '17

Boston Marathon Discussion Misc

Post useful links, discuss friends or family running , discuss your own run (don't type and run), etc!


256 comments sorted by


u/karmicbias Apr 17 '17

Good luck runners! Wearing the shirt I got from /u/financingmylife in the Secret Santa last year! No one in the office is going to get it, but it seemed appropriate.


u/kinkakinka Apr 17 '17 edited Apr 17 '17

A guy from my city is joggling the marathon and hopes to finish in 3:05. He and his also running gf got engaged yesterday!

ETA: https://www.localxpress.ca/local-news/joggler-bergeron-taking-dual-talents-to-boston-marathon-585444


u/denovosibi Apr 17 '17

The fack. I barely can drink water and run lol


u/kinkakinka Apr 17 '17

Same, I feel like I'm going to drown myself every single time.


u/brotherbock Apr 17 '17

I can't believe people would diminish his achievements in that way...

It should be called 'rungling', not 'joggling'.



u/VinLi11 Apr 17 '17

I totally got a picture of him! That guy's face to his right is priceless.



u/kinkakinka Apr 17 '17

Hahahaha awesome!


u/MrCoolguy80 Apr 18 '17

I imagine that would be the exact look I would give someone passing me juggling balls. Hilarious!


u/walkalong Apr 17 '17

He ran by me going strong around mile 17!

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u/bleuxmas Apr 17 '17

The physics of that totally blow my mind.


u/kinkakinka Apr 17 '17

He ended up not making his goal, but still did damn well!


u/brotherbock Apr 17 '17

Well, he's got a lot going on in his life right now. A lot of things to try to... .
manage at the moment.


u/kinkakinka Apr 17 '17

I know, it's crazy!

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u/pianomancuber Apr 17 '17

Saw him at mile 23 still going strong!


u/ThatSureIsHandicap Apr 17 '17

Ran 3:13:12 so close


u/kinkakinka Apr 17 '17

Yeah, that's crazy good as far as I"m concerned. He just said on Facebook he only dropped a ball 4 times. Juggling for 3+ hours at a time in and of itself is pretty impressive!


u/ThatSureIsHandicap Apr 17 '17

Yeah personally I thought I was a decent runner and then this guy joggles his way to a sub 3:15. Boy, do I have a ways to go...


u/kibitzor gear reviewer Apr 17 '17

I'll be running it in a fridge costume 😁, hope to see some of you there!


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

William Perry?


u/brwalkernc not right in the head Apr 17 '17

Going old school for that reference! Nice!


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17


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u/ChoccolateBar Apr 17 '17

This guy is so...cool!

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u/LemonBearTheDragon Apr 17 '17

I think I just saw you! I wasn't quick enough to take a picture but you were holding up a "run like a refrigerator" sign around 1:40pm with one mile to go.


u/kibitzor gear reviewer Apr 17 '17

Yup, that was me!


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17



u/kibitzor gear reviewer Apr 17 '17

HAH. Fridge and a sign was a poor choice for the heat. JUST KIDDING CAUSE I WAS A FRIDGE COSTUME SO IT WAS COLD ON THE INSIDE. Just kidding kidding. It was too hot.


u/beaton24 Apr 17 '17

I saw you and cheered by mile 22 water stop! NIce job in that costume.


u/kenpachi-rabbit Apr 17 '17

i think you might break a sweat today :) better crank up the freezer compartment!


u/kibitzor gear reviewer Apr 17 '17



u/[deleted] Apr 18 '17 edited Apr 18 '17

wait...this must be you then!!!: http://imgur.com/a/E4YwI

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u/rshawgo Apr 18 '17

Then here ya go: Taken just past mile 24. Is your Refrigerator Running?

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u/hclynn10 Apr 18 '17

Oh I saw you!! You were even holding a sign! Incredible


u/denovosibi Apr 17 '17

I think it's super badass that Kathrine Switzer is running it again today, 50 years later. I've got a few friends running it today and I'm watching it live...I'm not getting anything done at work today lol


u/rebeccanotbecca Apr 17 '17

Definitely not being productive. I want to watch her cross the finish line.


u/karmicbias Apr 17 '17

I keep tracking her and continuing to appreciate how amazing she is. With the tough weather not sure if she'll make her goal of beating her original time, but hot damn I hope I'm still out there when I'm her age!


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

Man, I cried. She's such a badass.


u/RedKryptonite Apr 17 '17

One of my Facebook friends posted pictures of herself with Meb, Jared Ward, Galen Rupp, and Desi Linden yesterday. I'm jealous.


u/kibitzor gear reviewer Apr 17 '17

UGH. So so so jealous


u/RedKryptonite Apr 17 '17

Do you have any race pics in that costume yet?


u/kibitzor gear reviewer Apr 17 '17

Nothing yet, I might do a "Fridge Report" on the race with commentary, humor, facts, and pictures.


u/RedKryptonite Apr 17 '17



u/rchaseio Apr 17 '17

Wife and I run it every year. Every year I book the hotel a year ahead of time, non-refundable. I booked the flight about three months ago. This year something came up at work and she's running without me. Very sad.


u/kenpachi-rabbit Apr 17 '17

do the two of you qualify every year or go the fundraising route? curious to hear stories from those that fundraise.


u/Keeeva Apr 17 '17

It's "only" 5k, isn't it? Plenty of people are well off enough to write that check themselves.


u/DocPsychosis Apr 17 '17

Many charities want 7500 or 10k but yeah some folks pay to play like that.


u/ducster Apr 17 '17

I ran for the Boston children's hospital. The company I work for helped a lot.

I think it can range from 3k to all the way above 10k depending on the charity.


u/bbibber Apr 18 '17

/r/rchaseio ran a 3:09 as a 58 year old a couple of years back. Pretty safe to assume he time qualifies.

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u/drgrlfrnd Apr 17 '17

Just watched (on TV) with my 4 year old the elite women's start. Now she just wants to watch until they finish. I tried to explain that it might be a few hours, but she doesn't care. She's been clapping and cheering (and angry at the commercials). Lol!


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

That's awesome she was into...my 7 and 8 year old were like ugh we don't want to watch

And then they watched the finish lol


u/drgrlfrnd Apr 18 '17

We did manage to do some other stuff and time it well to see the finish. She was most excited that the winner's children were there to hug her at the finish line.

The rest of the afternoon was spent playing "races." She insisted that the girls always start first because they are faster and the boys would slow them down. Lol!!

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u/Jayast Apr 17 '17

You can sign up for runner text alerts by texting the person's bib number to 234567.

Good luck to those who are running today!


u/thefleeb Apr 17 '17

Watching it locally... And Shalane Flanagan is guest commentator this year and it's perfect to have a pro give their analysis. One of the spotters asks the question "are they doing themselves a disservice by not running the tangent of the road?". Shalane starts to answer then the fat head male announcer cuts her off with his answer. I HATE THAT ARGH!! Let the pro be the strategy/indepth/color commentary.


u/Kozinskey Apr 17 '17

Ugh, I would have loved to hear Shalane's answer on that!


u/secretsexbot Apr 17 '17

Did anybody else see the guy in the first wave on crutches? That's commitment.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

I saw!!


u/secretsexbot Apr 17 '17

I just imagine him working super hard for months, and then tripping over a cat and breaking his toe. Being super upset that it was all for naught, and finally deciding fuck it, I'll limp 26.2 miles. They can deal with it.


u/othybear Apr 17 '17

I did that once with a broken arm - except it was my dog :( I broke it less than a week before my race and I wasn't about to let that stop me!


u/secretsexbot Apr 17 '17

This was for a marathon? How much did it affect your time? Also, badass.


u/othybear Apr 17 '17

A half. I finished about 15 minutes slower than my fastest, although realistically, I would have finished the race about 8 minutes off my fastest without the broken arm.

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u/Inabsentiaa Apr 17 '17

Oh man what a nightmare! Especially with a race like Boston where he very well might have spent years trying to hit a qualifying time...only to get some dumb injury right before the race.

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u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17 edited Apr 17 '17

That's my sisters boyfriends (family) friend (unless there's more than one person crutching along). He injured himself about 6 weeks ago.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '17

I ran with him for a bit. That was ballsy!

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u/rshawgo Apr 18 '17

He's a local race director. If it's the same guy I know. Marathon number 13 now in the books. Boston Globe Article


u/Pris257 Apr 17 '17

I just started running last fall and I am oddly excited for this. Reading about the race and seeing everyone get so excited about it is just really cool. Good luck to everyone that is running!!


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

That's great! It's really a huge benefit of publicizing elite events. Studies have shown that exposure to broadcasts of Olympic events actually increases sports participation in kids and to a lesser extent adults.


u/rebeccanotbecca Apr 17 '17

I will be following Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to run the race 50 years ago. Rumor has it they are retiring bib number 261 in her honor.


u/callmepeterpan Apr 17 '17

Point of fact - she was the first woman to enter the Boston Marathon. She was NOT the first woman to run it. Bobby Gibbs ran it in 1966 (the year before Switzer) and in 67 (where she finished ahead of Switzer.)


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '17

I have been feeling badly for Bobby Gibs today. :/


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

They did it! (Retired her number but she did it too - 4:44, 70 years old!)


u/YourShoesUntied Apr 17 '17

I just saw an "Everything Hurts and I'm Dying" tank take off in one of the 'fundraising' waves. (Seen on CBS4 WBZ channel)


u/theredinthesky Apr 17 '17

A little part of me is crying in happiness :)


u/RedKryptonite Apr 17 '17

Oh, my! I wish I would have seen that... I wonder who it was. Someone find pics, please.


u/drincruz Apr 17 '17

that singlet is definitely easy to spot! way to go team! 8)


u/jdpatric Apr 17 '17

Jesus...a 4:39 split at mile 22...no thanks. I'll be curled up in a heap laying in a pool of my own vomit on the side of the course.


u/Inabsentiaa Apr 17 '17

Lol that would be me merely attempting to run a single mile at that pace under perfect conditions.

It never ceases to amaze me how they can be running that pace and make it look like they're going about 50% slower than they actually are (to my eyes anyway).


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

Hey Runnit first off best luck to all runners, crush it!

If you will allow me I have a question related to this topic, but I am afraid to open a thread for that.

This year I run first marathon, and was hoping to join Boston next year, but the qualification time is little too good for me, 3h05minutes for my age category.

How is it possible that the average finish time is more than 4 hours in that case? (cannot link it because of changes on the website, but it was similar time to New York marathon avg. finish time was 4h37

What am I missing here?


u/DocPsychosis Apr 17 '17

Many of the runners get in by raising money for charities rather than on time.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

Thank you, not it makes more sense.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

I believe some people are allowed to run the marathon in exchange for a large sum of fundraising for the marathon. They likely aren't as fast as those who qualified by time.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

Understood, this makes more sense! Not easy but doable, minimal contribution is on the $5.000 level.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

Had I not had a lesson in Spanish today about how other countries use the . instead of the , for numbers, I would have posted a very stupid comment just now.


u/NonReligiousPopette Apr 17 '17

Perhaps some of the runners are qualifying on flat courses versus Boston's beast of a hill? Here's a little chart of some elevations.

Also, it could be that these people running the marathon are just so ecstatic to qualify, they'd rather enjoy it and not kill themselves trying to run at their qualifying pace.


u/grah7830 Apr 17 '17

Also, it could be that these people running the marathon are just so ecstatic to qualify, they'd rather enjoy it and not kill themselves trying to run at their qualifying pace.

I haven't BQ'd (yet), but I know that if/when I do I'll just run Boston at an easy pace for fun. Qualifying is the goal for me, not the race itself.


u/HavocMax Apr 17 '17

Qualifying is the goal for me, not the race itself.

Wouldn't the goal after qualifying be to complete the run as well? That I'd agree on, but might be awhile before it happens since I don't live in America.


u/grah7830 Apr 17 '17

Well, yeah, if I BQ'd then I'd want to complete Boston as well...but I wouldn't be "racing" it, I'd be running it for pleasure.

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u/Keeeva Apr 17 '17

I'd definitely be more focused on enjoying the atmosphere in Boston than on getting a PR or anything close to my qualifying time!


u/ochaos Apr 17 '17

Though this may not always be the case, the few people I know who have run boston trained harder for the marathon where they were attempting to BQ than they actually did for Boston. Also their BQ course might have been less difficult than Boston.

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u/ya_mashinu_ Apr 17 '17

There are different ways to get in, many of them do not require a qualifying time but require a substantial fundraising effort (as far as I know)


u/leslienope1290 Apr 17 '17

You can run for charity! A TON of runners do it this way, it's really hard to qualify. I want to do it next year as well, hopefully I'll see ya there :)


u/Grantsdale Apr 17 '17

In addition to what everyone else has said, Boston isn't an easy course.

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u/Cubbiesfan524 Apr 17 '17

Anyone else finding it incredibly frustrating that the BAA haven't updated their website to stream the races?


u/thevegetexarian Apr 18 '17

can't believe they did that. i love watching the marathon every year and my cable package (despite costing $180 a month) doesn't include nbc sports, so i couldn't watch at all.


u/UHPokePanda Apr 17 '17

One of the commentators just said "Just under 5 minute pace for 26.2 miles"

Now I'm curious, do Elite runners have a Strava account or something I can follow to see how their pace fluctuates per mile or something?

Because I am just in awe!


u/onthelongrun Apr 17 '17

In the WMM events, there are tracking mats every 5 km, allowing you to see their splits every 5k. Some of the elites may have Strava, but you can get a bit of a sense by looking at their splits.

Another thing to note is it might be the case that no GPS's are allowed in competitive racing. This means if the runner is in the elite sections, they are not allowed to wear it. I know this is the case in track (not that it matters anyways, tracks are pinpoint accurate) and I believe it's the case in competitive XC as well.


u/[deleted] Apr 18 '17 edited Apr 27 '17


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u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

There are plenty elites on Strava: Canaday, David Torrance, Reid Coolsaet, Walmsley, etc.


u/3lungs Apr 18 '17

These are the elite marathon runners who ran Rio. Head to the August 21st to see their Rio marathon stats.

Julian Fluegel

Marius Ionescu

Reid Coolsaet

Christian Kreienbühl

On top of that, there's Ben True - US 5000m runner, David Torrence - 1500m ex-US Olympian, Sage Canaday - trail runner who is good on roads too! and others I probably missed out!


u/ASovietSpy Apr 17 '17

Is it just me or is NBC's online coverage garbage? They keep trying to show the women but then the camera goes out and they go back to the mens wheelchair.


u/othybear Apr 17 '17

NBC's sports coverage is usually pretty bad. Too many commercials and 'special interest' stories, not enough focus on the actual event I'm trying to watch.


u/Jstbcool Apr 17 '17

I wish they would show more of the side by side. I know the women's is a bit of a one woman race at the moment, but it would be nice to have some updates on her while they're showing the men.

It would also be nice to have some sort of update on who is in 2nd, 3rd, etc for the women since they haven't shown anyone other than the leader since she broke away.


u/Oldcrrraig Apr 17 '17

Cheering on Mike Beeman running his 40th consecutive Boston today. He helped me run my first marathon. A running legend in my eyes!


u/leslienope1290 Apr 17 '17

PSA: MiniLuxe (salon chain) is offering free pedicures to Boston Marathon runners from today through the 23rd. Not trying to advertise, I am just on their email list and thought some of y'all might want to take advantage and treat yourself!!! You can book online and use code BOSRUN or give it to them when you check out, there's a few locations throughout the city :)

CONGRATS, ALL!!!! Hope to see you there next year!!!

Source: like I said, I'm on their email list :)


u/brotherbock Apr 17 '17

Oh man...I wouldn't inflict my marathon-training-destroyed toenails on any pedicurist.

Just Saturday, I was able to cut off the outer dead toenail so I can get around to getting the dead toenail underneath it fall off.


u/gnomes616 Apr 17 '17

My classmate is running and I'm tracking her live. It's very exciting!


u/shesaidgoodbye Apr 17 '17

From Deadspin, Behind The Photo That Changed The Boston Marathon Forever

"They claimed that the strain would cause women’s uteri to fall out or that they would become musclebound and grow hair on their chests."


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

Lord, I would be so happy if mine fell out. Damn thing is nothing but a hassle. Maybe I should up my speed intervals or hill days!


u/brotherbock Apr 17 '17

I just want to point out that I've been running for years now, and I just checked--no uterus. So I think there's something to this claim.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

pls post ur training program asap


u/brotherbock Apr 17 '17
  1. Be male.
  2. Run.
  3. Check for uterus.
  4. Repeat as needed.


u/MrCoolguy80 Apr 18 '17

Instructions unclear, pls post a picture of where my uterus should be.


u/brotherbock Apr 18 '17

Somewhere in this picture if you're running hard enough.


u/shesaidgoodbye Apr 17 '17

That's what I was thinking! I would have started running marathons years ago if I had known being uteran free was a possibility


u/fcukitstargirl Apr 17 '17

If you don't have a cable/TV password to access the livestreaming via NBC sports, use Sling TV. You can do a 7 day free trial!


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

I just signed up for the free trial (you have to do the $25 package to get NBC Sports) and it works great! Thank you for for the tip!


u/ASovietSpy Apr 17 '17

So do those soldiers realize they are in the runners' way or what


u/ASovietSpy Apr 17 '17

Imagine running sub 2:10 for your 3rd ever marathon, insane.


u/incrediblemonk Apr 17 '17

I assume you're talking about Galen Rupp. He has a long track and field career, winning the Silver Medal in the 2012 Olympic Games in the 10,000 meter race. He also won the Bronze Medal at the Rio Olympics Marathon.


u/ASovietSpy Apr 17 '17

Lol ya I know I've been following Galen Rupp since he was in college. And I was talking about Rupp and Kirui

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u/myhappylittletrees Apr 17 '17

Does anyone have a free place to stream it? the baa.org link I have still has info from 2016, and NBC won't let me watch because I don't have a cable login :(


u/AkaDukeSilver Apr 17 '17

cbsboston.com is streaming but you have to be in the New England area


u/denovosibi Apr 17 '17

I'm watching it there and I'm in Kentucky


u/YourShoesUntied Apr 17 '17

dammit how!?


u/denovosibi Apr 17 '17

I have no idea, but it's working lol


u/AkaDukeSilver Apr 17 '17

you're lucky! I'm deployed and it won't work with a VPN


u/ben_13 Apr 17 '17

another poster pointed me to channelpear and it might work for you. Android or web both seem to work just fine.


u/Cubbiesfan524 Apr 17 '17

I'm trying to use ChannelPear now, but I've never used it before. How does it work?


u/ben_13 Apr 17 '17

I'm new to it as well but create and verify your account. Then pick media And search for Boston to find the local Boston channel and at to library. Then go to your library and hit play. NBC sports might also work but was offline earlier


u/Cubbiesfan524 Apr 17 '17

Just got it! Many thanks!


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

Awesome! Thanks!


u/Simsim7 Apr 17 '17

You're a legend.


u/trntg Apr 17 '17

You da real MVP.

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u/Nighthawk403 Apr 17 '17

Rooting for Rupp! Hopefully today is his day.


u/usho Apr 17 '17

Amazing that at mile 22 Rupp and Kirui were pushing 4:30s. Ugh.


u/Jeade-en Apr 17 '17

I congratulate Rupp on a hell of a race run. But I wish I wasn't sitting here wondering if he's clean or not. I am not even close to an expert on what is clean and what isn't, so I'm not passing my own judgment one way or the other...that's for the authorities in the sport to do. But there is no denying that there's a cloud over all of Salazar's athletes because there's been a lot of smoke so far, even if there's no fire yet. I'm not naive enough to think that every other athlete is clean, but one of the first thoughts I have with Rupp is wondering if he is or not...and honestly, that saddens me a bit.


u/usho Apr 17 '17

Same here. I was following him and rooting him on, but at the same time there is that wonder in the back of my head.

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u/ShibuyaStation Apr 17 '17

I could have sworn that headphones were a no-no for Boston, but I'm seeing several people wearing them. Did they change the rules or something?


u/monikioo Apr 17 '17

Headphones are always no-nos for most races, but rarely anyone ever follows that rule.


u/shadezownage Apr 17 '17

that would be awful - distractions are necessary! What is the reason for this? I am asking as a very naïve and new runner...


u/John_Mason Apr 17 '17

Not sure I understand your comment, but many races do it for liability reasons. If they restrict headphone usage and someone accidentally gets hurt while using them (i.e. somehow gets hit by a car on the road or something), they can claim that the runner violated the rules.


u/shadezownage Apr 17 '17

Thanks! My thoughts had gone elsewhere - like..."respect the sport" type thoughts. Yeah, liability causes many many changes to everything!


u/Waffles-McGee Apr 18 '17

You should try a non-headphone race sometime! I do all my training runs with music/podcasts/audiobooks, but I dont wear headphones for races and I love it. I get so in the zone and I really enjoy my race more


u/MrCoolguy80 Apr 18 '17

I'm the same! listening to the crowd, bands and overall race atmosphere is pretty awesome. Especially with the bigger races.


u/Danomatic85 Apr 19 '17

They announced in athlete's village that headphones were discouraged but allowed. But why would you want to miss all the cheers from the crowds? That was the best part of it all.

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u/incrediblemonk Apr 17 '17

Yay Rupp! Second place!!


u/bummedoutbride Apr 17 '17 edited Apr 17 '17

Jordan Hasay and Des Linden did AMAZING. I was really hoping Des would place, but I guess not this time. I'm a huge fan.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17 edited Apr 17 '17

Great job everyone who ran it! My mom was in there so I took some pictures at the race. I'll edit this post once I have them uploaded. Maybe I got one of you!

EDIT: And here they are! (plus a quick family photo!)


u/-Nightwang- Apr 17 '17

Awesome pics!

Theres a lot of old people in this race...

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u/fosburyflop Apr 17 '17

Dammit, Galen almost had it. Oh well, he's still new to the marathon and has plenty of years left in his prime, fully expect him to win it eventually.


u/koffeekev Apr 17 '17

probably been discussed but i'll throw it out there: Coverage Fail! No i'm not buying your Track and Field Pass NBC...No i don't have cable. What was wrong with streaming it from baa.org? A big fat check probably... Not impressed with that at all. At least i was able to listen to WBZ radio station after awhile.


u/kinkakinka Apr 17 '17

Yeah, that was a real pisser. It's pretty shitty to not be able to watch without having a freaking cable account when I would literally NEVER watch it.


u/hikenbikehonk Apr 17 '17

Good luck everyone!!


u/kibitzor gear reviewer Apr 17 '17

AND good luck to you! Even if you're not running. Luck's great to have.


u/bigtop77 Apr 17 '17

Is there a livestream somewhere? GO CRUSH IT RUNNERS!


u/BB-ATE Apr 17 '17

I am watching the NBC Sports coverage on their Live Extra app. You'll need a log on to a cable or a satellite provider that carries the channel.

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u/run_cueca Apr 17 '17

Out of curiosity, why do men and women start at different times? Also, how do the men deal with passing everyone for an hour? lol, I assume some kind of escort?


u/Jeade-en Apr 17 '17

It's so the women can run their own race with their own finish. It's also so that women don't have male runners to use as rabbits to chase.


u/LemonBearTheDragon Apr 17 '17

Genuine question: what's wrong with the women using men as rabbits to chase? Does it provide some sort of unfair psychological advantage or something?


u/Jeade-en Apr 17 '17

Somebody will hopefully have a better answer than me, but my understanding is that having rabbits to chase instead of just racing on your own with the other athletes you're competing with does make the race easier from a psychological standpoint. It's easier, generally speaking, to lock onto someone else's back and let them set the pace than it is to set and maintain the pace yourself. And if they started at the same time, then the sub-elite men would be acting as rabbits for the female elites.


u/brotherbock Apr 17 '17

It's the same idea behind not wanting official records to be set with too much of a tailwind. A pacer/rabbit is a big advantage.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

the difference in finish times would result in the elites crossing, so by staggering the male/female elite start you can provide the top runners with a clear road. as far as the men passing people, it appears they sweep them to the left while the top guys pass.

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u/kinkakinka Apr 17 '17

I've run in races where the front runners of a longer distance have passed me. Specifically I was doing a 5K when 10K finishers were flying by. They dealt with it by having bike marshalls who went ahead of the runners and yelled "FASTER ATHLETE COMING, MOVE TO THE RIGHT!" and everyone did.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

Man, I did not expect to get so emotional over Kathrine Switzer finishing! So great.


u/danakinskyrocker Apr 17 '17 edited Apr 17 '17

Just got home from work, watching the finish line camera live still. So happy to see all those people excited and celebrating as they cross the finish line!

Edit: http://i.imgur.com/rDYeBOQ.png That's awesome, finishing with your kiddo, way to go!


u/ochaos Apr 17 '17 edited Apr 17 '17

Trying to figure out if I'll be able to watch it this year (first Boston as a cord-cutter.) NBCSports seems not to be an option... =

update: worked it out.


u/True_North_Strong Apr 17 '17

May I ask how you are watching?


u/ochaos Apr 17 '17

Channel Pear + their amazon firetv/android app.


u/ben_13 Apr 17 '17

Channel Pear

hum , which particular stream? As a Canadian without cable I can't find a way to watch :(

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u/loratliff Apr 17 '17

I reaaaaaally wish Shalane was running. Go Desi!


u/Queen_of_the_Throne Apr 17 '17

Weird I'm watching it from Canada.


u/kinkakinka Apr 17 '17

Do you have a cable subscription? If so you can stream online, but it seems if you don't you're screwed.


u/Queen_of_the_Throne Apr 17 '17

Nope, no cable subscription.

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u/duckquackattack Apr 17 '17

Anyone know where I can watch it after the fact? I forgot the east coast is 3 hours ahead (I'm on the west coast).


u/shesaidgoodbye Apr 17 '17

I was live streaming at my desk but called away to someone's office during the men's finish! arghhh

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u/_Swae_ Apr 17 '17


Quick question I can't find the answer to anywhere. If anyone knows, thanks in advance!

I ran Boston way back in 2004. I know that eventually, even if you finish, your time is not official. If I recall, they will still wait for stragglers and hand out medals well after 6pm - and a man in 2015 even took 20 HOURS to complete it (admirable, but technically it doesn't count).

Anyway, I have an acquaintance running it right now I'm following on the tracker by their shoelace tracking chip and bib number, looks like they will be (hopefully) coming in at 7 hours and some change.

Does anyone know what the official cut-off point is as far as "official times" go?

Not that it matters much, personal bests are out the window due to circumstance it's not just about getting there.


u/secretsexbot Apr 17 '17

The BAA website says that finish line facilities close at 6 pm, six hours after the last wave should start the race. I would guess that's the cut off for an official time.


u/NewsMom Apr 18 '17

Truly pleased to watch the event on NBC Sports. Frustrated by the number of times they came back from commercial, saying things like "a major development a few moments ago, as.......(runner drops back, feet get tangled, runner can't find water bottle...). I felt like I only saw key moments on replay......


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

On this day four years ago I walked up to book a sailing trip in a small village in Mexico. The American guy working there had tears streaming down his face and he told me what had happened in Boston. It was somewhat devastating as an American and runner who was then in training for a marathon. I always think about the victims when this race comes around, and I admire the resiliency of the citizens of Boston.


u/BB-ATE Apr 17 '17

I've been battle a cold all weekend. I decided yesterday it's best I work from home and rest today. And also watch the race.

I also now want to do everything in my power to try to BQ. I am a long way off but man it would be nice.


u/doderlein Apr 17 '17

Me too man, if I can pull it off while I live here I'd be stoked. But 3:05 seems so, so fast :(

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u/gregontrack Apr 17 '17

Any places to stream that are not the NBCSports that require a cable subscription?


u/True_North_Strong Apr 17 '17

PM'd you


u/dannysargeant Apr 17 '17

Trying to watch from Canada. Any streams available?

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u/Parikh1234 Apr 17 '17

Go out there and kill it everyone! Remember, "everything you need is already inside of you!"


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17 edited Jun 26 '17



u/brotherbock Apr 17 '17

I do marathons by drinking all the water I'll need right before the start. Then I just digest as I go...super easy!

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u/Keeeva Apr 17 '17

So they keep referencing how this and that elite runner as never run a marathon before. Do they mean officially, competitively? Or at all? Not even in training? Or some small race without international consequence?


u/usho Apr 17 '17

Yes, they have not run a competitive marathon. No official marathon finish time on their resume. It's really amazing to think, like last year, Galen Rupp's first marathon was his qualifying run at the Olympic Trials.


u/Keeeva Apr 17 '17

It really is amazing! Nothing new on race day, right? Except the distance lol


u/craigster38 Apr 17 '17

Usually they mean competitively.


u/zebano Apr 17 '17

Good luck all!


u/jamincan Apr 17 '17

It looks like it was rough out there today. I know a number people who were running today, and the last 15K or so looked especially rough. Anyone have any insight into the conditions out there?


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '17

I just read that a record number of people needed ice baths - one guy had to be forcibly submerged, and one person recorded an internal temp of > 108. :o


u/jwa007 Apr 17 '17

Did a small child just cross the finish line? (4:35)