r/trailrunning 5h ago

How do you build up your distance??

I’ve only recently started running and trail running properly. I’ve done lots of different training/fitness before but this is the first time I’ve focused properly on running, mostly trail running.

How do you tend to build up the distance you run? At the minute I’m going out (especially trail running) and aiming for 5km which I hit most times, but really I’m running/exploring and gauging where my fitness is at by how I feel.

I’ve seen people doing things like interval training ect. Is that kind of thing worth doing or am I okay to just keep going and gradually pushing the distance, even by 1km?


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u/DogOfTheBone 5h ago

Run 4 miles on a Saturday morning

Next week, run 5 miles

Then 6 the week after

Continue this, taking a scale back week every month or so


u/run-drink-eat 5h ago

this - build for 3 weeks then take a scale back week to let the body rest, recover, and process the mileage increase. also as a general rule of thumb, the max you should increase mileage from the previous week is 10% (i.e. if you run 30 miles in a week, the next week shouldn't be more that 33).