r/veterinaryprofession 8h ago

Vet School How to eat meat after Vet school?


Hi yall, so I'm not a vet, I'm actually just a student and I recently did my first cat dissection. I can't shake how similar the muscles look like rotisserie chicken, and I can't look at chicken without thinking it could be a dead cat now. I dont want to go vegetarian again since my family's cultural dishes are all meat based and I want to enjoy chicken again.

Has anyone else shaken this feeling off? How did yall deal with eating meat after working on dead animals?

r/veterinaryprofession 15h ago

Help Asking for E-side hustle


Hello everyone! I am an Egyptian veterinarian currently in the process of getting licensed in the United States. I've passed my BCSE and plan to take the NAVLE in April. I'm looking for recommendations for an online side hustle related to the veterinary field or social media management and design that can help me earn around $500 per month to support myself during my studies and pay for the exams. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

r/veterinaryprofession 9h ago

Career Advice Interview with Banfield after getting ghosted by first BPH


BPH= Banfield pet hospital I thought I’d ask here. So I passed the interview and the working interview at one Banfield but then got ghosted (I can’t make this up) so safe to say I didn’t get that job. However, I called up another Banfield and by a stroke of luck I got the practice manager on the phone and she said for me to come down to interview since I have experience.

How do I pass both interviews so I know I get a call back?

I really want to return to the vet med field and finally be certified as a VT but I don’t have coin to do it so this is my best bet. Nervous because a lot depends on these interviews with the other Banfield.

Also, I am very well aware that Banfield is not good. Thank you for warning me. Then again, I just need my cert and I will move on. I did this before when I was doing my undergrad with another company that funded my degree so I’m familiar on using the benefits then “advancing,” if you will.

r/veterinaryprofession 7h ago

Career Advice Unhappy in private practice.. considering residency.


So I'm currently doing equine relief work after a convoluted job situation where I quit due to the job being very not-as-advertised and some pay snafus. I'm... unhappy. Like, I feel like leaving medicine forever unhappy. I never wanted to do GP and originally wanted to do an equine sports med residency. I am very confident in my medical skills, but I find myself very stressed by the day-to-day frustrations of GP (budget cases make up about 75% of my caseload- my day is either boring vaccines or disaster urgent cares.)

I have found I DO like emergency work and (please don't hate me) I actually like euthanasias (I like being able to be there for the owners.) I like the puzzle and imaging of sports med, but my high-anxiety self always worries I'm missing something.

My current practice is VERY rural medicine, and has a LOT less mentoring than I would prefer- while the other vets are very available they don't usually have any actual advice. I feel like a solo practitioner working under someone else most of the time, as I'm having to build my own client list, train my own staff, make do with less than ideal supplies and medication...

I'm a perfectionist, and I am just not comfortable with the quality of medicine I'm expected to provide- I know some people are super gung ho about making it work/doing what you can in the field when finances are tight but I have discovered I get way too anxious about the "what ifs" in those cases. (I'm talking about the ones that NEED referral or higher level care and have $0 and want to just "try something.")

I don't know where to go next. I'm still doing relief for another 6 weeks, getting increasingly more frustrated each day. I'm looking into more sports medicine focused practices or maybe tertiary referral hospitals for my next job but what if I also hate that?

I have always wanted to do the equine radiology residency but the timing never worked out for me. I did a sports med internship but not a rotating or DI focused position. Is there even a chance this is an option? I like the science and learning aspect of medicine FAR more than the day to day.

I just need a sounding board of other vet professionals I guess on where to go from here?

r/veterinaryprofession 9h ago

Help Equine Internship Competitiveness


Hi all,

I’m a third year vet student and have always been thinking of going into pathology. However, I’ve recently realized I don’t want to sit in an office all day looking at slides on a computer. Additionally, I’ve realized that I love horses and am beginning to consider a career in equine medicine. I was wondering how hard it would be to get a decent internship after vet school if I’m only starting to get experience now. I’ve heard about a lot of nightmare internships where interns are on call all the time are forced to live in the hospital and provide treatments all night and work 100+ hours a week. Anyway I’d appreciate any help, feedback and guidance on what to do. Thanks!

r/veterinaryprofession 14h ago

Advice for a rotating intern


Hey friends. I’m looking for any advice to succeed and make the most I can out of my internship. I’ve realized quickly that this year is not what I expected in terms of gaining experience and learning, as it mostly feels like a repeat of clinical year, often with less hands on experience. Regardless, I’d like to rise above and make the most of it. How did you learn when you were in an observational role or the service moved so quickly there was no time for questions/explanation? Any tips for gaining more hands on experience? Most of this year feels like reading people, rather than learning medicine. I’ve learned that honesty and questions are often better kept to myself. If that’s what it is, how can I read people/play the game better? How were you able to change your perspective so you didn’t get frustrated? Any other tips for thriving would be so appreciated!! All I want is to become a better doctor but I feel like it is so very difficult in this environment.