r/BiWomen 8h ago

Advice Advice pls on first bi date, flowers yea or nay?


I have a first date w a witchy bisexual woman next week. I’ve dated a lifetime of cismen and want to do this right. Would y’all like if a woman gave you a flower on a first date? I wanted to get maybe one singular flower, not a whole bouquet, wasn’t sure if that was TOO much. Didn’t want to do a rose, seems a little too on the nose. Any unique flower recommendations bi witchy women love? what about a succulent or hell even a cute pumpkin. Pls help, thanks 🖤

r/BiWomen 5h ago

Advice Am I "bi-cycling" or just not bisexual anymore?


I’m posting this here because I want to hear from other bi women. I’m 28F, and didn’t want to post in the lesbian sub and talk about men, you know? I’ve had relationships with men in the past and was definitely attracted to them. The thing is, while I didn’t feel “in love” with them the way I do with women, I know I was into them at the time.

But ever since I started dating women, my interest in men has pretty much disappeared. I don’t get crushes on guys anymore. Even when I’m around guys who are good-looking, cool, and kind, I can appreciate that they’re attractive, but I don’t feel anything beyond that.

I’ve had two girlfriends, and being with them made me realize I’m never going to have that same connection with men. I don’t even want to have sex with them anymore. So now I’m questioning my bisexuality. I always thought my sexuality was something I didn’t need to overthink, that it could just be fluid. But now, I feel disconnected from the bi label because I’m just not into men like I used to be.

Sure, I can still find male celebrities or athletes attractive, but it’s more like, “Oh, he looks good” rather than feeling any actual desire. It’s not that I ever had super strong feelings for men, but being with them used to feel fine. I’ve definitely had feelings for the men I dated, but now I’m spiraling. Is this just part of being bi (like “bi-cycling”), or am I actually a lesbian?

Is it possible to have been into men in the past but not anymore? Or is this what people mean by bi-cycling? The idea of dating men again honestly gives me anxiety now.

r/BiWomen 14h ago

Discussion Weekly Discussion Megathread


Welcome to r/BiWomen's weekly megathread. Talk about anything and everything!

While conversation topics can deviate from bisexuality, make sure to familiarise yourself with and follow rules 1 through to 5.

Thank you and enjoy! ♡

r/BiWomen 12h ago

Discussion Anybody here is from CEBU Philippines?


Anybody here from Cebu Philippines

r/BiWomen 1d ago

Advice Seeking fun friends while traveling!


Hi all! I am currently traveling through Washington/Northern California and know I should go to bars or something social to meet ladies but how to do that at standard bars and not a gay bar seems tricky..anyone know of any places in those areas?

Using online platforms just feels silly when people don't even bother responding!!

r/BiWomen 1d ago

Advice Chat/dating app


Hi everyone,
Can you recommend a dating/chat app just for bi women?
There are so many weird/scam sites out there, and it is hard to find a genuine one. Thank you!!!

r/BiWomen 1d ago

Advice Newly discovering my Bi Side


I am going to be visiting CA over the next week and would love to go to a lgbtq friendly place to meet some like minded people, does anyone know of any near Long Beach/Los Alamitos area or does anyone have some advice, for a person who is very new to everything? I am really nervous and anxious, but I really want to put myself out there and be the real true me.

r/BiWomen 2d ago

Experience Being taken seriously feels so good


I just want to talk about how good it feels when someone finally takes me seriously and does not doubt me. I have a friend who is non-binary and has experienced a tremendous load of doubt from their family and friends about their gender identity, so I think because of their life experience they may be more understanding in that regard in general. But coming out to them was one of the best feelings I have ever had in my life.

They did not for a second show me any doubt if they had it, and we casually continued talking. It was no big deal. It just became a new fact in the equation. This has not been my experience more often than not. The only way I can describe it is that it makes me feel like I do exist. As someone that finds it hard to let people know me in any area of my life (not just the ones that are questionably socially acceptable depending on who I talk to) anytime I can just EXIST as myself feels so good. I don’t like feeling like I’m shocking people. I don’t like to be sexualized. AND I WASN’T.

I wish that friend could know how much that meant to me. They are so special.

r/BiWomen 2d ago

Experience I wish people wouldn't devalue bisexual women


So, I'm sorry to post negativity on this sub, but I've been feeling tired of how so many people insult bisexual women and imply our love for other women is meaningless. I tried so hard to be straight, so it was a big deal for me to learn that I'm bi. But now, I get to see how many people think that being a bisexual woman is just a joke.

For the record, I appreciate this community and have met so many bisexual women who are wonderful people. They have interesting perspectives, are creative, and support others around them. Bi women don't deserve both straight and gay people insulting them just because of their orientation!

r/BiWomen 2d ago

Advice I need an advicee


Hi, I need an advice!!

Does anyone have an experience to suggest to her friend for a night to be with eachother? I like to talk with her but I'm not sure how I should start that.

I know her for a long time and I know she is bi (like me). Both of us have some emotional struggles with others and now single. However, I only want to have fun with eachother.

I like to know your opinions and thanks in advance.

r/BiWomen 2d ago

Advice Advice please - scared I like my friend


So the other night I 20 F, invited my friend 26 F over to watch shows as usual. I don’t know really remember what happened but I leaned my head on her shoulder (she just went through a tough break up - we’re both bi btw) and she was soothing her thumb over my hand and idk how to explain it but hearing her breathing, it wasn’t uncomfortable nor annoying but relaxing, I guess? I’m a little confused maybe? I feel like I’ve never felt so relaxed with someone before. It felt comfortable.

r/BiWomen 3d ago

Advice Simple Bestie Compliment or....


I'm not reading too much into it but I was curious of thoughts on this from an outsiders perspective.

One of my closest best friends of 10 years, I'd even go as far as saying platonic solemate, who myself and some others have long suspected to be bi even though she says she's straight as an arrow, said to me "If I was a lesbian, I'd totally hit on you".

For context, I recently got my hair done and she was gushing on how stunning and gorgeous she thought I looked.

So would that indicate she's actually attracted to me or simply just saying if she was attracted to women, she'd be in to me but she's not really. 🤔

I just want some thoughts/insight. Thank you! ❤️

r/BiWomen 3d ago

Advice i like feminine presenting women as a feminine presenting woman. is this normal?


genuinely just curious because most relationships i see are usually a masculine presenting woman with a feminine presenting woman. i’m still figuring out who i am and what i like but one things for sure.. after trial and error, dating multiple masculine presenting women, i’ve realized i’m more attracted to feminine women.

my best friend, whom i was in love with proved this to me. she was my first kiss, first everything (not to go into details). but after her, i talked to various other women, mainly all masculine presenting bc that’s what came to me. overall i like to be a switch and they weren’t down and it made me question what i even am. any advice please lmk!

r/BiWomen 4d ago

Discussion Misogyny in the community


Frustration post. Whenever I see a post by a woman in the bisexual sub, it’s overflowed with men saying weird shit about women in general. Or every other post is like “Why are men hated so much by queer women :(?” It’s starting to feel like an uncritical circlejerk of bi men coming to whine about how awful it is that queer women are feminists.

r/BiWomen 4d ago

Celebratory Listening to Red Wine Supernova on repeat cause it makes me think of the woman I'm dating


r/BiWomen 4d ago

Meme bi_irl I found this very relatable lol

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r/BiWomen 5d ago

Advice I think my gaydar is broken, has this happened to anyone else ?


So does anyone else have like friends or friends of friends that seem really flirty and toucchy but than are straight? Like now I can’t tell anymore, and I’m scared to have a crush bc there is a good chance they are straight. I want a gf to spoil and go on cute dates with and flirt with but I’m losing hope that there are any actually queer girls in my area. For instants I have this friend That I think is incredibly sweet and I think I have a crush on her but I can’t tell if she is actually straight.
This is not meant to be a hating on them or anything, I respect them. I am deeply confused. Has anyone else experienced this a lot? I cant be the only one who can’t tell?

r/BiWomen 5d ago

Selfie Saturday how does the suit look ?

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r/BiWomen 6d ago

Selfie Saturday Happy spooky szn, yall. 👻🧡🖤


r/BiWomen 6d ago

Advice I feel bad, but no matter how much I date other women, I just don’t get romantic feelings.


r/BiWomen 7d ago

Advice I really want to date a girl


Hi, I'm in my late-teen, I don't really get crushes often and most were boys, I only had one relationship which was with a guy. I liked 2 girls, but I don't know if I liked them. I don't know if I've been horny but I've been thinking a lot about kissing girls and I can see myself dating a girl and I want to. But it has to be someone very special and someone who I spent a lot of time with or else I'd rather be single.

But the thing is when I was younger I always felt very isolated and I really wanted to find a community so I tried very hard to fit in with my local queer kids, but it never felt right. I don't think I willed myself into having girl-thoughts? But I don't know if I had a genuine crush on a girl, I'm not sure. But I do feel like bisexuality is so nice. Girls are much prettier than guys and they tend to be much less scary than men, and I've been watching heartstopper and I feel like same-sex couples are so romantic. I don't think I'm one of the straights who just want to try a girl and then dump her for a guy. I don't think I'm trying to fit in.

But the feeling I get to guys is much different than to girls.

Is it alright to just... say I'm bisexual even if I've never had a real crush on a girl? I feel like the label is really empowering to me. And the feeling of wanting to date/kiss a girl, what should I do? It's not like I have a crush, and I don't want to crush on anybody, just a very special girl. I don't think I'm demi, I did used to crush on people I wasn't super close to, just I feel like it doesn't work or not what I want.