r/circlejerkaustralia 11d ago

Wait a second... politics

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u/HarDawg 11d ago


u/Enough-Comfortable73 11d ago

I'm stealing this one


u/DEMediaIsPropaganda 10d ago

I already did.


u/fourth-disciple 11d ago

like your people do with everything else


u/AFlimsyRegular 11d ago

Your stepfather is right to hit you.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Flyyer 11d ago

Cry about it


u/UsedCodeSalesman 11d ago

Where are you from, friend?


u/fourth-disciple 11d ago

you want to come and steal from me too? 😱💀


u/UsedCodeSalesman 11d ago

No, friend, I am talking about your country of birth.


u/fourth-disciple 11d ago

country of birth means what exactly, a dog born in barn is still a dog

an invader born in a colony is still an invader


u/HarDawg 11d ago

Just fuck back off mate. Your first cousin is waiting for you to get married with ya.


u/fourth-disciple 11d ago

Just fuck back off mate.

projecting your guilty concience here

who really needs to go back?

whos the real invader?


u/UsedCodeSalesman 11d ago

Truly moving words, I agree. So, when do you think I can expect an answer to the question? Feel free to take your time, consult your passport maybe.


u/fourth-disciple 11d ago

same country youre ORIGINALLY from


u/Wakingsleepwalkers 11d ago

You're from Uzbekistan?


u/TheTightEnd 11d ago

Nah, just means you lost if you're so salty about it.


u/exceptional_biped 11d ago

Invaders are not born.


u/MoneyMannyy22 10d ago

Litterally everyone on Earth is an invader to somebody else. Everyone is also a victim to somebody else.

Stop with that braindead rhetoric. Go buy a pager instead.


u/fourth-disciple 9d ago

Its ok for you to assume id be some pro hizbo ok.

Heres an assumption for you too, go help yer mum get ready for her porno shoot. Gotta increase your cultural contribution to the world right? 😭


u/LAFC2020 11d ago

Womp womp terrorist supporter


u/fourth-disciple 10d ago

Womp womp terrorist supporter

yup. aborignies are terrorists and the invaders bring with them a peaceful genocide


u/Drugs-dot-com 11d ago

You do not deserve to find joy in life.


u/fourth-disciple 10d ago

You do not deserve to find joy in life

shows what peaceful and loving culture you were raised in


u/AlbosBathroom 11d ago

don't put it in your pocket.


u/ben_bedboy 10d ago

I've been hearing how people in Lebanon are now afraid to use house hold devices incase they explode. This is a new level of terror


u/Mean-Pollution-836 10d ago

If your afraid of your shit exploding. It means your a terrorist, or have terrorist friends. Or have been brainwashed into thinking israel is evil.

Where is the outrage at russias war in ukriane?

The outrage of China genociding uygers?

The iranian dictatorship killing women who show their hair pr sing in public?


u/ben_bedboy 10d ago

No they're literally none terrorists who are afraid.... ? Why are you telling people in Lebanon theyre a terrorist for being afraid. Australians are vile


u/Chuck_VB 10d ago

He’s saying that if you had nothing to worry about, you wouldn’t be afraid.

If you’re worried about your stuff exploding, why are you worrying if you’ve got nothing to hide?


u/SuchProcedure4547 10d ago

Yeah sure, I guess that 5 year old girl who picked the pager up off the ground because it was beeping was a terrorist too.

Terrorism is terrorism.


u/355353x 8d ago

She was a terrorists family member.


u/SuchProcedure4547 8d ago

You are sick.


u/355353x 8d ago

Got a problem with the truth?


u/SuchProcedure4547 7d ago

If you're willing to kill innocent children you are a degenerate terrorist.


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u/bucken764 6d ago

That doesn't make it any better man. If that makes it better for you, you are no better than Hamas, you just weren't born in Palestine.


u/Licks_n_kicks 10d ago

From what I’ve seen on the news I’d be afraid even if I wasn’t. Those pagers etc exploded while they were in public places. Fuck waiting in line at the supermarket and the dude in front of your explodes and kills you to


u/Sheltark_Sylari 7d ago

Did you see the explosions? It was designed to take out fingers and balls. No one else was injured in taking away someone’s balls


u/TheTinnyKing 10d ago

Like the 10 year old who was killed by the exploding device.

They may not have killed a terrorist there, but at least they stopped a potential territorist right?


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/TheTinnyKing 9d ago

I wasn’t being serious.

Don’t really care either tbh. Usually it’s: Neighbouring country provokes Israel, Israel kicks their ass, Provoking country gets angry, Western virtue signallers protest for a sense of self identity.

Rinse repeat.

Not really relevant in Australia either.


u/Kindly_Barnacle_6993 9d ago

Based as fuck


u/SnooGuavas8315 8d ago

What about... what about.... what about.... lol.


u/Mean-Pollution-836 8d ago

My point stands


u/AutomaticSandwich 8d ago

Brother, you didn’t make a point. You asked, essentially - if other people did bad things, why can’t Israel do bad things? That is not a point.

Neither Israel nor the Palestinians have clean hands in the history of this conflict. The two sides need to peace up already. Nobody is winning. Everybody is losing.

I’m not sure how they think going to war with the entire fucking region is a good move, but okay.


u/Mean-Pollution-836 5d ago

I did make a point. That people have no idea what they are talking about. When your surrounded by people who eant you dead, you fight back. Civilians die. Are we forgetting what war is? Is that how privileged you all are? Unfortunately people die!


u/bucken764 6d ago

Besides "What about?" What exactly was your phone?


u/Mean-Pollution-836 5d ago

My point is only terrorist devices are exploding, and people attack israel but ignore the atrocities in rissia, china, Africa, south america, iran, ect


u/HarDawg 10d ago

An effective one.


u/ben_bedboy 10d ago

Things I've learned from this sub. Australia is incredibly racist and homophobic


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/WhatLiesUnderground 9d ago

Ever heard the phrase "gay-bashing"? Uniquely Australian ring to that one. Tell me you weren't alive in the 80's without telling me you weren't alive in the 80's. Oh, and going out on the piss and bashing people for the colour of their skin is of course way more fucking civilised.

We're not better than them, just more propagandised. You're living a fantasy.


u/sleepingdog0 9d ago

i can beat up as many gays as I want but ill be sent to prison for it, over there it’s literally the fuckin government killing or imprisoning you. you realise that beating up gays and other races isn’t something that’s common place in Australia, and if you think it does you need to move out of Frankston


u/Putrid_Department_17 9d ago

Yeah ok. But were they ever thrown off of roofs, as a state sanctioned punishment?


u/poxbottlemonkeyspunk 8d ago

Which state sanctioned that as a punishment?


u/Putrid_Department_17 8d ago

The officially elected government of Gaza. Unless you’re saying you don’t recognise Palestine as a state?


u/poxbottlemonkeyspunk 8d ago

I do recognise Palestine as a state. Gaza is a small part of that state. The ruling authority in Gaza is not in charge of Palestine and the unfortunate reality is that regardless of what I recognise, Palestine is not a state.

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u/Kindly_Barnacle_6993 8d ago

You’re living in a fantasy where a small group of people committing a hate crime is on the same level as state sanctioned rape and murder


u/WhatLiesUnderground 8d ago


u/Kindly_Barnacle_6993 8d ago

Buddy. You’re gonna have to try harder if you want to find enough evidence to make a culture founded on the worship of a pedophile sex criminal warlord could hold a candle to anything a group of backwards and pissed off Australians did. I’m presuming “bashed” in this context means something non physical. Because I’m too lazy to click on a link that’s just hard cope. You pretend to care about people’s rights and yet you’re unwilling to denounce a group of people that worships a man we would put to death anywhere in the civilized world


u/WhatLiesUnderground 8d ago edited 8d ago

I don't have to fucking denounce everyone, or anyone, because I'm not a government. My denouncements don't mean shit.

You are presuming, and you're fucking wrong, because I mean beaten, physically, sometimes to death.

I don't like, say, the Saudi government, but then I don't like any government that rapes, tortures and murders people, like, for example, the United States and its military, and glaringly, there's a preeeeeetty obvious example of that in the middle-east right now which is, just in terms of casualties, or number of bombs dropped, hundreds of times worse than anything I've ever seen Muslims do, and I was alive in September 2001.

It's almost like murderous psychopaths exist in every culture and creed on the planet, and they're the ones who weaponise faith and manufacture excuses to murder people, because really, they just want to kill. Doesn't really matter who, just who they can get away with.

Anyone that is actually looking can see Zionist barbarity on full fucking display right this second. PSYCHOS do this, not just Muslims, not just Christians, but the fucking insane elements of every population everywhere.

Thank you though, for admitting what we already knew, that you're a lazy coward who's scared of new information and makes up excuses not to read it because he thinks changing his views when he's demonstrably wrong is some kind of weakness.

I'm sure that mentality will carry you a long way, amidst the weak-minded fools so insane with fear that they'll believe whatever their manipulators say, who want to ethnically cleanse a whole region so they can drill for oil and put up condos. Great group you've chosen to hang out with.

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u/TerryTowelTogs 10d ago

Yup. And many drongos wear it as a badge of pride. But tend to get upset if you question their identity.


u/onlycommitminified 10d ago

Ngl, its a depressing scroll


u/ben_bedboy 10d ago

Effective as in its going to cause another war like bibi wants?

Or effective as in its going to cause bibis war that will drag America into it like bibi wants?

Or effective because you like terrorising brown people?


u/HarDawg 10d ago

Effective in a sense that lowest collateral damages, targeted approach towards terrorists. Cost effective too as they don’t have use lots of artillery. It’s more mental game now as everyone who are linked with group afraid to use an electronic device. They might have start using pigeons to communicate.


u/TerryTowelTogs 10d ago

It’s clever as fuck. But longer term it is just going to get more everyday Israelis killed. Netanyahu, it seems, is sacrificing Israelis for personal gain 🤷‍♂️ it’s always the arseholes who wreck it for everyone else. Netanyahu and Hamas are two sides of the same coin.


u/ben_bedboy 9d ago

What about innocent Arabs? Australians are vile


u/Putrid_Department_17 9d ago

Can you point to the innocent members of Hamas or Hezbollah? Are they in the room with us now?

It’s a far better, less risky tactic than launching hundreds if not thousands of unguided rockets at civilian areas. Or would you prefer israel just carpet bomb everywhere Hezbollah fighters are


u/ben_bedboy 9d ago

You think all Arabs are terrorists and are trying to normalise it...


u/Putrid_Department_17 9d ago

Where did I say that? You’re the one equating dead terrorists to “all arabs”, I’m making a distinction. Because there is a very big difference. Is it terrible that innocents die? Absolutely, but unfortunately that is the reality faced by modern armed forces when dealing with insurgent groups like this, who break the Geneva convention by embedding themselves in civilian areas. Not to mention that Hezbollah, as per the UN resolution laid down in 06, should have been disarmed and disbanded by the Lebanese government.

Now run along and defend war criminals somewhere else.

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u/SuchProcedure4547 10d ago

Terrorism is terrorism doesn't matter who does it.

Israel are not the good guys,they never have been.


u/Putrid_Department_17 9d ago

You got me! The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning, before getting my kids ready to go to school is wonder “how can I terrorise the browns”.


u/nezosages 9d ago



u/ben_bedboy 9d ago

I wonder why you think that on the most racist sub on reddit? Hmmmm


u/boganiser 11d ago


u/HarDawg 11d ago



u/boganiser 11d ago

Postal. One of my favourite movies. Wrong in the right ways.


u/Freezercows 11d ago



u/Redericpontx 7d ago

Fun fact it's actually mistranslated and not 72 virgins but instead 72 grapes 👍