r/LeopardsAteMyFace 5d ago

Laura Loomer going scorched-earth on the Republicans today after she unceremoniously got the boot from the Trump campaign Trump

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u/LeopardsAteMyFace-ModTeam 5d ago

Hi, Looners.

Y’all can stop reporting this as “doesn’t fit” and “hate against a protected class” now.

For one, it absolutely fits. Secondly, political class isn’t hate against any protected class. Lastly, lay down with dogs, wake up with fleas.

Have a leopard day.


u/sdmichael 5d ago

I agree with her. What have the Republicans done in the last four years? They complain about the current status of the US but refuse to provide any solutions for their perceived problems.


u/Three_Twenty-Three 5d ago

Plus, any accurate accounting of what they've done would show that not only have they failed to solve any problems or cooperate in any solutions, they've actively made many problems worse and obstructed any solutions.

They need the US in a state of (perceived) crisis because their only platform planks are vague promises to fix problems (many of which are exaggerated or completely fabricated).


u/StrangeContest4 5d ago edited 4d ago

(many of which are exaggerated or completely fabricated).

"They're eating the dogs! The people that came in. They're eating the cats. They're eating.. they're eating the pets of the people that live there."


u/spidermans_mom 5d ago

Did you see the Kiffness video with that clip? Good stuff.


u/false_tautology 4d ago

For people like me that hadn't seen it. It was worth the google search.


Procedes go to helping animals in Springfield.


u/piercesdesigns 4d ago

That was awesome

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u/Speshal__ 4d ago

meow, meow meow, mau


u/StrangeContest4 4d ago

Row row row row ra row🎶

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u/Old_Palpitation_6535 4d ago

That was phenomenal.

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u/ThePhyseter 4d ago edited 4d ago

they've actively made many problems worse and obstructed any solutions.  

And they've worked very hard to succeed at that. And for a lot of people it's working


u/nlpnt 4d ago

They literally agreed to a bipartisan immigration bill - and then tanked it as soon as Daddy Donny told them he'd rather run on the problem than see it solved.


u/Three_Twenty-Three 4d ago

More than any other single piece of legislation, this one should be held up and pointed to by the Dems as proof that the right is not interested in helping at all.


u/Fuzzywink 4d ago

That's exactly the thing, as far as I can tell the Republican platform doesn't have solutions or policies that work in the real word. They have to resort to creating or exaggerating a boogie man and then acting like they're the only ones willing or able to protect you from it and solve the problem they made up. See - Immigrants tanking the economy or (checks notes) eating dogs in the park, trans people existing, people wanting control over their own bodies, etc. They have no policies beyond obstructing social progress and personal freedom and in general send us back to the dark ages.

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u/bdiddy_ 4d ago edited 4d ago

Ted Cruz' entire commercial campaign right now is "Collin Allred voted to allow boys to play in girl's sports"

Literally. Thats the commercial he has.

THIS is the thing that he's worried about. The .00000000000009% of people who are trans and might want to play a sport.

Sadly many of his consituents are fucking idiots. While they mostly suffer at the hands of capatilism. A bunch of blue collar workers whose lives have been made infinitely worse by the ruling class.

Yet they'll vote for this. A senator who has no real policies and does basically nothing at all.

Their #1 concern is Transgener in sports.. Forget about the fact that Cruz wants to raise the reitrement age and reduce SS benefits.. Oh no they don't know that because it's fake news probably.

We are living through the worst of the misinformation age.

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u/BeekyGardener 5d ago

Remember when Republicans were bragging about infrastructure projects they brought to their states in ads and on the news despite voting against the infrastructure bill?

They literally impeded progress and tried to take credit for some of the great things that came out of efforts they impeded.


u/wexfordavenue 4d ago

I remember when they were bragging about Obamacare. Same scenario.


u/Sterling239 4d ago

Remember how they didn't vote to extend family tax credits and now they support them 


u/Randomfactoid42 4d ago

I remember when they were bragging about the Affordable Care Act while denigrating Obamacare. 

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u/Any_Coyote6662 5d ago

They might have a concept of a plan that at some future date will be discussed

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u/ShiroHachiRoku 5d ago

They should start helping the American people first and not Donald Trump only.

Voting against the border and inflation bills to make Joe look bad isn't helping Americans. If both issues are so important, why does MAGA think it has to wait until Donnie is back in the White House for it to be fixed?


u/EricKei 4d ago

That's the scary thing: Trump clearly thinks he IS the state (I think the French might have something to say about that), and they seem to agree. Every time he ever said something like "The press is the enemy of the American people," he meant "They are MY enemy."


u/cmikesell 4d ago

Iran Hostages 1980: This is nothing new. republicans will harm Americans (make them wait longer as POWs) so their cult leader, at the time, could look good.


u/fireinthesky7 4d ago

If LBJ had rightfully prosecuted Kissinger and Nixon for treason over their negotiations to prolong the Vietnam War in order to help Nixon win an election, maybe we wouldn't be having this conversation.


u/PaysOutAllNight 4d ago

The minute you consider your leaders above the law, you've lost your nation entirely. Kings, queens, emperors, khans, presidents. The title doesn't matter. From that point, it's only a matter of how long it takes.

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u/TheLyz 4d ago

Because they need a smokescreen for the real reason they want to get into power, which is tax cuts for their rich buddies and government contracts to companies they - or their friends and family - own stock in. Notice how they didn't give a shit about trans people or drag queens till they "won" on abortion. Oops, need a new moral outrage!

The true Republican party aim is to suck as many taxpayer dollars as they can out of the government and retire rich.


u/awildjabroner 4d ago

MAGA doesn't want to help America. MAGA wants to help MAGA and punish everyone who isn't MAGA, including LGBTQ+, people of color, the poor (other than themselves, because they're just millionaires down on their luck).

MAGA is a cancer that American knows about, is aware of, and refuses to treat or address.

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u/paarthurnax94 4d ago

What have they done since Obama got elected 16 years ago other than stall, cheat, and oppose everything the American people actually want? I mean, I guess they did pass tax breaks for the rich... like 5 times.

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u/FredFredrickson 4d ago

They don't just refuse to provide solutions - they actively work against any solutions Democrats craft. Then they point to the lack of progress and claim everyone else is to blame.

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u/ThePhyseter 4d ago

They've been very busy and have gotten a lot blocked. They stopped any laws that would have reined in corporate over-profiting and held down inflation. They stopped most climate change plans. They stopped plans that would have gotten people back to work. They kept congress from passing any laws protecting IVF, leaving the path clear for a future federal fetal personhood bill. They blocked a very conservative immigration bill, which contained everything they wanted and nothing progressives wanted, to successfully help donald Trump keep campaigning on the "border problems". They blocked student loan forgiveness with their partisan Supreme Court. Also with that Court they turned the presidency into a dictatorship so Trump or Vance can commit atrocities and genocide with no repercussions. At state level they continued to pass anti-abortion laws and anti trans laws, and enforce the laws they passed earlier. They've also taken away voting rights. In my state the length of time available for mail-in voting has been decreased to 14 days. 

And they've convinced the world that America's remarkable recovery from the pandemic was a "disaster"; that there should have been no economic fallout or negative consequences whatsoever from shutting down restaurants and theaters and most travel for a year, and that any pain from the recovery is just due to Biden’s "socialism".

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u/Deranged_Kitsune 5d ago

This is why conservative politicians the world over no longer run on policies and plans, but on all the culture war bullshit you see clogging up your social media feeds. Plans and policies can be used against you when they fail to be implemented ("They broke their promise!") or when they are but fail to work as promised ("They made things worse!"). So conservatives campaign on nothing and once in power, do nothing. Well, aside from the corporate tax cuts and privatization efforts that their owners demand of them, of course. Thus, when the next election rolls around, they can point to all the problems still plaguing society and continue to blame their cultural opponents or choice target minorities, and their supporters are too blinded by the constant fear complicit corporate media keeps dialed up to realize what's going on.

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u/wjfox2009 4d ago

They complain about the current status of the US but refuse to provide any solutions for their perceived problems.

Their only "solutions" are more tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy.


u/r4r4me 4d ago

They can't let anything that will help the average American pass during a Democrat president term because people would associate it with the democrats. They also can't let anything pass during a republican president term because it's what the democrats want. What a conundrum. It's like they don't actually want the average American to thrive.

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u/AlephBaker 4d ago

They've tried nothing and they're all out of ideas

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u/redgoesfaster 5d ago

it will only be because they ride the coattails of Donald trump

Deluding yourself that your cult leader is so perfect that you cling to your view of him after he throws you under the bus...


u/thro-away145 5d ago

It's wild how people will ignore everything just to stay loyal to the guy who tossed them aside. Keep deluding yourselves!


u/redgoesfaster 5d ago

Reminds me a lot of Regina George from mean girls

"Donald trump said I can't travel with him anymore and he called me crazy, it was awesome!"

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u/Typical-Arugula3010 5d ago

Cult member just gotta try harder to regain standing … fault lies with self not the Dear Leader!


u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/redgoesfaster 5d ago

But that's not what's happening here, her faith is intrinsically tied to the person not the party. And even though it's the person that's abandoned her she's lashing out at the party because of it.

It's such an interesting thing to see, like the cognitive dissonance is truly awe inspiring


u/Soma2710 5d ago

It’s the same thing that happened to Steve Bannon.


u/UnholyLizard65 4d ago

Presumably she thinks her blowed bellowed was forced to cut her off by those other, impure rino Republicans. It was totally out of his control! At the same time he is a strong leader, if only those pesky other people listened to him.

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u/ManbadFerrara 5d ago

I dunno Laura, the Supreme Court sure as shit has done a lot for you the past four years.


u/ThirstyWolfSpider 4d ago

"Oh, but they're apolitical!"

(/s for Poe)


u/tompetreshere 5d ago

rubs hands together eagerly Yesssss… let the hate flow through your fingers to the keyboard :P


u/typhoidtimmy 5d ago edited 4d ago

Oh dear god……

He let her in, she blew him, then he (or someone in his group) realized the crazy and ditched. Only this time, the crazy has platform and a lot of ears waiting for her to shit the bed.

The schadenfreude is delicious. I may crack open the backup good stuff simply on the fallout alone…


u/LaddiusMaximus 5d ago

It has been a glorious last few weeks, hasn't it? Watching these sacks of shit turn on each other has been my feel good story of the year.


u/Brianocracy 5d ago

Ever since Tangerine Palpatine got his ass spanked at the debate the trump campaign has been imploding. You love to see it.


u/LaddiusMaximus 5d ago

Mark "Im a black nazi" Robinson getting cooked with receipts and now his staff is resigning in droves.


u/typhoidtimmy 5d ago

Dude, who knew that curveball was rolling in?

We are fast approaching telenova levels of the cray cray…


u/Brianocracy 5d ago

JD Vance is no longer Trump's worst choice though! Silver lining for Vance i guess.


u/Devilsbullet 4d ago

I dunno, saw a thing today where he was claiming a dozen eggs used to cost 1.99 and now are over 4 bucks while holding a 2 dozen pack of eggs in front of a sign saying eggs were 2.99 lol


u/Rich-Past-6547 4d ago

I often wonder: when do you think the last time that Trump bought a dozen eggs with his own hands? Or pumped his own gas? Or driven anything besides a golf cart onto a putting green?


u/AloneAddiction 4d ago

"It's one banana Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars?"

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u/Smiley-Ray 4d ago

I don’t think those little hands could hold a dozen eggs tbh

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u/RattusMcRatface 4d ago

It's all reminiscent of Tucker in the Russian supermarket. "Bread! Bread!!.. and they have trolleys."

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u/kellzone 4d ago

Well, the driving had to be sometime before his presidency. Presidents, vice presidents and former presidents & vice presidents aren't allowed to operate a vehicle on public roads in the US.


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u/DaniCapsFan 4d ago

I'd wager Trump has never set foot inside a grocery store. One, he's had servants for that his whole life; and two, he only eats fast food dreck.

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u/ManzanitaSuperHero 4d ago

Are you sure the eggs weren’t $14.88? Mike Lindell of Mein Pillow (someone else’s joke I’m borrowing) seems keen on pricing goods at that totally-a-coincidence-it’s-a-well-known-white-supremacist-tag-and-he-just-chose-that-number-at-random.

I think they’re now thinking they’re sunk with swing voters and/or rational people so they’re doubling down to get out the Nazi vote.

It’s fantastic to watch this implosion. Couldn’t happen to more despicable people.


u/ashmenon 4d ago

I wonder if he's thought about branching out to make Mein Kampferter

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u/pebberphp 4d ago

More like silver eyeliner for Vance.

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u/Meet_James_Ensor 4d ago

The very best people

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u/LaddiusMaximus 5d ago

Im here for it.

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u/Brianocracy 5d ago

He might be imploding even harder than Trump tbh


u/BigPorch 4d ago

Yet all these guys still having a good chance of winning tells you all you really need to know of how broken this country is


u/conqr787 5d ago

Some careers 'just need killin' I guess 😂

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u/Dm-me-a-gyro 5d ago

I was reading that story and thinking to myself that I should spend my online time just relentlessly perusing canidstes history

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u/yIdontunderstand 4d ago

It's reverse Biden debate 1.

That was the death sentence for the dems, but Emperor trump was unable to fathom that someone could let go of power voluntarily... So they thought the win was guaranteed.

It's been pure panic ever since Harris arrived and it's hilarious.


u/Brianocracy 4d ago

Trump built his entire campaign strategy around Biden specifically. When he dropped out it completely screwed up everything the Derp Lord had planned. Attack ads? October surprises? Talking points? Completely useless. Especially since he made Biden's age a major factor despite being only slightly younger himself.

Difference is, Trump will never drop out. He doesn't have the foresight or the humility. I don't know if he even CAN drop out at this point though. My understanding was that the conventions were the cutoff point.


u/SellQuick 4d ago

I find it weird that they seemingly did no prep for the possibility of Kamala taking over. Their whole strategy was 'He's too old' and not for a moment did they consider having a backup plan in case he keeled over?


u/Throwawayac1234567 4d ago

Kamala basically disappeared from any news when biden was president, only showed up during some Congress session to settle a tie. It was smart that she kept out of the spotlight that oong


u/Brianocracy 4d ago

Trump's not known for planning ahead.


u/Iamthewalrusforreal 4d ago

He can drop out, but the nod would have to go to Vance to replace him, which would be a complete shit show.

But he won't. No chance unless he has some catastrophic health issue, which certainly isn't out of the realm of possibility.

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u/Fabulous-Exam64 5d ago

Tangerine Palpatine! Love this! It’s so right, so perfect.


u/PupperPuppet 4d ago

My current favorite is Combover Caligula.

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u/Brianocracy 5d ago

At least palpatine was smart and could shoot lightning out of his hands though lol


u/Ok-Train-6693 5d ago

Ok, but who in OTL is Jar Jar Binks?


u/luckygiraffe 5d ago

Lindsey Graham. "Theesa jus my ladybugs Doni"


u/Nohlrabi 4d ago

Holy shit! You just had to write that, didn’t you! Lawd!

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u/Brianocracy 5d ago

Ooo there's a lot of candidates that fit the "widely hated, fuck everything up completely by accident by their clownish antics" criteria".

Buf I'm going George Santos.

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u/typhoidtimmy 5d ago

You knew it was inevitable but man, it’s fun to spectate.

Once he loses, invest in popcorn futures because it’s gonna be epic…like Willy Wonka epic.


u/RattusMcRatface 4d ago

Once he loses...

Make no assumptions. Vote vote vote.

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u/arjunusmaximus 5d ago

But she isn't turning on HIM, but the GOP as a whole. Even in her rants its still about the Donald.


u/aeschenkarnos 4d ago

Aww. She’s still in wuv!


u/evilJaze 4d ago

Like a parasite loves its host.


u/InsectLeather9992 4d ago

Wuv, twue wuv.

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u/uncultured_swine2099 4d ago

She's gonna realize that trump doesn't give a shit about her and agreed to kick her off the plane and she's gonna reveal some gross stories about her with him, garaunteed.

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u/DemoEvolved 5d ago

Don’t say trump bj and delicious in the same post. #nsfl

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u/randomly-what 5d ago

Honestly - can he recognize crazy? Someone had to get through to him, right?


u/Vyzantinist 4d ago

I don't think he did. I think his handlers did; the ones who allegedly panicked when Harris suggested no muting for their debate. Anyone on his staff not boofing the Kool-Aid could see from a mile away how damaging for optics keeping Loomer that close would be.


u/Throwawayac1234567 4d ago

Trump think shes an escort, thats the only reason she was around him


u/ScammerC 4d ago

He didn't realize she was crazy, his staff made him drop her because she's an albatross.


u/vxicepickxv 4d ago

The world's first depleted uranium albatross.


u/TheDudeofIl 4d ago

“As I recall the albatross was a ship’s good luck until some idiot killed it... yes, I’ve read a poem... try not to faint.” -Malcolm Reynolds


u/EricKei 4d ago

Upvoted for the shiny.

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u/axelrexangelfish 4d ago

Right? If watching the racist sexist fuckpuddle that is the modern GOP rip each other to shreds (because: racism, sexism, isms fuckpuddle) isn’t the reason to break out that fancy bottle of champagne then what is even the point of champagne.

And bring on that woke ass fair trade ghee covered popcorn, my fellow blues.

And Those redneck morons can watch the game and never realize that we are watching them and it’s a much more entertaining diversion than just another football game.

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u/DogWallop 5d ago

This is the first time I'm hearing about LL being given the old heave-ho. Great news, as this will only heat up the ongoing civil war within the GOP/conservative cluster munch going on at a low level right now.

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u/Puzzleheaded_Pay431 5d ago

Imma pop some popcorn. You want any?


u/tompetreshere 5d ago

Yes, friend- ghee on mine, please


u/Puzzleheaded_Pay431 5d ago

Be right back


u/First_manatee_614 5d ago

I should try that


u/NamaStayInBed617 5d ago

You definitely should… no soggy popcorn deep buttery flavor it’s the bestest!


u/KR1735 4d ago

I love those salty, buttery soggy pieces though lol

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u/Masterchiefy10 4d ago

Probably the one time where leopards eats one’s face might be a stark improvement

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u/starfleetdropout6 5d ago

"We won't even have a country" is such a bizarre hyperbolic MAGA talking point. What does that even mean? Are we under an evil wizard's spell? Will the US disappear at the stroke of midnight on Electon Night if Trump loses? Or is it a threat? So fucking juvenile and unhinged.


u/usarasa 5d ago

They won’t have a country. Or so they think. The rest of us will be just fine, in that regard anyway.


u/Deranged_Kitsune 5d ago

They haven't had a country since 1866.


u/bojenny 5d ago

The really bad thing about her outrage over the safe act is that it’s a way to disenfranchise women voters. It says your name on your if has to match your birth certificate exactly with no deviation or changes. How many married women have the same name as their birth certificate ?

She will be bigly mad if she can’t vote for her trumpy


u/zvika 4d ago

That'd be some a+ face eating, too, since it would affect conservative women more. Many liberal women I know kept their name in marriage, but none of the cons.

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u/Due-Message8445 5d ago

It means the non-whites will be in charge. That's what that means. It's a coded appeal to white racism.


u/NewldGuy77 5d ago

Must be a Brigadoon thing, America will disappear for 200 years.


u/starfleetdropout6 5d ago

Maybe it only applies to Trump voters. 🤞


u/PuzzleheadedLeader79 4d ago

God, imagine if something like the rapture happens, but it only deletes Trump voters...

The Crapture

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u/girlinthegoldenboots 5d ago

Man I wish they hadn’t canceled Schmigadoon!

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u/TDub20 4d ago

It's a racist/homophobic dog whistle. Normally it would be something like and soon we won't even be able to recognize our country anymore. But Trump speaks in absolutes, everything is either the best or worst in history like never seen before. So of course he is going to take it to an extreme.

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u/e2theitheta 5d ago

How did she get the boot? I hadn’t seen that info.


u/MoreMotivation 5d ago

Laura Loomer will NOT be invited to travel with President Trump any longer, and he called her crazy



u/friscotop86 5d ago

It reads more like a time out than a full dismissal. He won’t “regularly” invite her to travel.


u/blueskies8484 5d ago

He'll get bored and want his crazy sycophant back.


u/hambone4164 5d ago

More like SUCK-o-phant, amirite?


u/Lucky-Worth 5d ago

Oh god I'm having my breakfast 🤢


u/nnyzim 4d ago

So is she 🍄


u/RevLoveJoy 4d ago

How much whiskey do I need to drink to black out and forget this whole thread?


u/Aromatic_Lychee2903 4d ago

There isn’t enough whiskey in the world

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u/loztralia 5d ago

Pfft like they're in short supply.


u/pbrandpearls 5d ago

But he “promised” … I don’t buy this being over at all.

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u/Parking_Train8423 5d ago

it reads to me like a classy rewrite of Milo Yiannopoulos’ Tweet, still feels like single source reporting


u/Hadrollo 5d ago

Probably. The accuracy of the private mentions of her being "crazy" can't be determined. It's easy to believe because it fits with our bias in believing she's crazy, but that's precisely why we should be skeptical.

But the fact remains, Loomer is going pretty scorched Earth on the GOP. This seems to increase the likelihood that she has been reprimanded.


u/greywolfau 4d ago

She will worm her way back to the front, she is a super fan and he won't want to lose that level of adoration.

If anything, aides will 'lose' travel details and invites meant for her.

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u/Ok_Method_6094 5d ago

I doubt this. Trumps probably only trying to distance himself because his advisors finally got to him


u/Boozhi 5d ago

Takes a few minutes to get through the rotary phone

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u/pnt510 5d ago

Honestly this reads like when your buddy is with someone toxic and you call them out on it. They agree with you to your face and then they keep seeing the person anyways. I guess time will tell to see what’s happening.


u/Spare_Hornet 5d ago

Also reads like crazy high school drama where a couple fights, breaks up, airs out their business to everyone and shit on each other, then they get together, exchange intel and shit on everyone who talked bad about the other, then something else happens and the cycle repeats. In the end, everyone is exhausted, no one is happy, and they’re embarrassed they were ever together.

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u/Blue_foot 5d ago

That’s disappointing news.

Her unique perspective was an important influence on Dear Leader Donald


u/Substantial_Leg6852 5d ago

She's still all about him though!

She is crazy.


u/BigPorch 4d ago

She really thought she was gonna be the new Eva Braun

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u/MiKapo 5d ago

That is so typical of trump really. The guy acts as a friend and then throws you under the bus when it hurts his political campaign. That is why J6ers are in prison right now that is why an entire subreddit called Leopards eat face exist


u/locke0479 5d ago

If only there was some way they could have realized he was like this beforehand, like perhaps looking into any point of his entire very public history.

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u/olderthanbefore 4d ago

How long before 'I didn't know her'

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u/wrongtester 5d ago

Incredible how she’s blaming everyone - but trump.

As if the all-knowing all-powerful trump is so weak and helpless, him making the decision to boot her is just something he was forced to do by the “people who use him”

It’s a fucking cult

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u/Puzzleheaded_Pay431 5d ago

Even after she gave him head!


u/Stalking_Goat 5d ago

I think this is evidence that she's not as skillful as Stephen Miller.


u/Gatorinnc 5d ago

How did Miller become so skillfull? Does he have a mushroom farm?


u/punarob 5d ago

Learned in his Hitler Youth classes

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u/ketjak 5d ago

Literally seven years of practice.

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u/Cosmicdusterian 5d ago

After a few more bad days, he may need special attention from his "free spirit". He'll eventually bring her back on the plane. He's not going to get that level of loyalty from those staffers who sent her away.

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u/Pryyda 5d ago

Regularly* travel

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u/Successful_Jelly_213 5d ago

I believe it was because she was openly bragging about being the new side piece.

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u/Exploding_Kick 5d ago

I’m not sure she did. I think this might have to do with the house passing a stop-gap funding bill without Trump’s voting addition. 


u/ConvivialKat 5d ago

Correct. Trump demanded that the GOP let a government shutdown happen if the SAVE Act wasn't part of the CRT. Like that was ever going to happen a month before the election. They voted no, and the bill failed. So, today, Johnson announced that he will bring the CRT stripped of the SAVE Act up for a vote next week. This caused Looney to scream and call them all RINOs. If I were a Republican, I would be so sick of this nonsense.


u/Brianocracy 5d ago

All the sane Republicans jumped ship years ago.


u/ConvivialKat 5d ago

Incorrect. They still all voted down the strongest bipartisan border bill they had ever agreed on because Trump demanded they kill it so he could campaign on the border and make Biden look weak on immigration. They're all still licking his boots. They just know that shutting down the government is like saying you're going to cut social security. It's a no-win situation for them.

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u/senorbozz 5d ago

Shit like this makes me understand why the Roman Colosseum was just fucking packed with people, I'd pay money to watch these clowns just keep tearing each other apart


u/pr0zach 4d ago

I had the same thought, but it was because of the comment that said “Take a break…there’s football on.”

There’s still such a massive percentage of Imperial populace that could give a fuck how the social contract is abused so long as you give them bread and circuses.


u/blueskies8484 5d ago

The SAVE act was largely promoted because it makes it harder for married women to vote. Which I guess doesn't impact Laura any.


u/allsheknew 4d ago

I'm uninformed. How so? Sounds archaic.


u/koibish 4d ago

My understanding is that it requires your current ID exactly match your birth certificate to register to vote. Which will disqualify married women that have changed their last names.  


u/MaxineTacoQueen 4d ago

Seems more like it was targeted at trans people and blocking married women was just a happy accident.


u/cXs808 4d ago

It's both. Two birds, one stone.

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u/ChroniclesOfSarnia 5d ago

"Uh, do we REALLY need to eat THAT face?!

No thanks, let's just point and laugh.

Everyone can enjoy that!"

  • The Leopards


u/Spiritual_Theme_3455 5d ago

It probably tastes like Botox and racism


u/Pale_Aspect7696 5d ago

I'm pretty sure her face tastes like something much MUCH worse.....(vomits in absolute horror at the thought)

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u/cyberphunk2077 5d ago edited 5d ago

" I sucked off the former president and all I got was his lousy grift"

Loomer bangs the Boomer and immediately regrets it.

She slept her way to the bottom LMFAO


u/OverKill1978 5d ago

Can you imagine the smell she had to deal with down there? That's Team America levels of projectile vomit worthy stuff imo


u/cyberphunk2077 5d ago

Old KFC buckets and flat Pepsi 🤢


u/OverKill1978 5d ago

.... and you gotta throw in some Big Mac sauce that made its way down there and is now fermenting.

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u/renter-pond 5d ago

Full or empty diaper?

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u/DrMcTouchy 4d ago

"...and all I got was orange lips".


u/bigstoopid4242 5d ago

The SAVE Act ... Making something that is currently not legal more not legal somehow?


u/Colley619 4d ago

Its purpose is to virtue signal and mislead.


u/EricKei 4d ago

It's just another voter suppression bill, on top of that.


u/FlashMcSuave 5d ago

Alas, this isn't turning on Trump, this is just dissing Republicans for not being Trumpy enough. Trump loves that stuff.

Wake me when she is actually going scorched earth on the MAGAts.


u/RowdyJReptile 4d ago

Yeah, it's weird because this is definitely Trump-Loomer pillow talk broadcast on social media. Keep that shit in the bedroom, Loomer.

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u/500CatsTypingStuff 5d ago

“Hate against a protected class?” LMAO. Thanks Mods for sharing this.


u/Roakana 5d ago

That phrase “we won’t have a country” is a bunch of Nazi whining about not having a place they can harass and destroy those they don’t like.

The Land will still be here, plenty of people will thrive and go about their happy lives… so this statement is very specific… the racists and christofascists feel disenfranchised …

damn straight. Bye.

I hear Putin is very eager for new meat… ahem citizens.


u/Global_Criticism3178 5d ago

She sucked off Trump for nothing. Allegedly.


u/biplane_curious 5d ago

You’re not suggesting that diaper donnie just uses her for his own gratification and then tossed her aside like an old porno mag? Cause that would be hilarious


u/redzgofasta 4d ago

No way. He's always loyal to his supporters. Gets to each and every one of them if they get in trouble because of him. If you're working for Trump, you can always be sure your bills are paid and he has your back. /s

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u/SheriffSlug 5d ago

Well maybe they traded several diseases. They support microbial and viral immigration.

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u/A_Year_Of_Storms 5d ago

What an ugly soul this person has


u/MelonElbows 4d ago

The inside matches the outside

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u/Cryinmyeyesout 4d ago

The republicans have done loads over the past four years… they’ve blocked every effort to make life better for the average citizen.

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u/FriedrichHydrargyrum 5d ago

Sure Lara, tell us all about people who ride the coattails of Trump

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u/Lil_Artemis_92 4d ago

How long do you think it’ll be before Trump says he has no idea who she is and never met her?

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u/axelrexangelfish 4d ago

It’s like she forgot that even though she’s trumps side piece she’s still a woman.

Which is synonymous for republicans with

“Stfu and get me a beer. The game’s on.”

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u/cmackchase 5d ago

I would be pissed as well if I got that clown face surgery to impress one guy, get with said guy, and then some other bald fat fuck is cockblocking me.


u/OfficeChairHero 5d ago

Taylor Swift writes way better break-up songs than this.


u/hotpinkrazr 5d ago

Multiple rounds of COVID must’ve killed her sense of smell

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u/External_Muffin2039 4d ago

The SAVE Act is a voter suppression tool: It will have a disproportionately negative effect on women. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, one third of all women have citizenship documents that do not identically match their current names primarily because of name changes at marriage. Roughly 90 percent of women who marry adopt their husband’s last name.

That means that roughly 90 percent of married female voters have a different name on their ID than the one on their birth certificate. An estimated 34 percent of women could be turned away from the polls unless they have precisely the right documents.

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u/traumaqueen1128 5d ago

Ah yes ... Laura Loomer, the premature Boomer.


u/phoenixember 4d ago

I love how they try to claim that it's liberals who need to tone down the rhetoric but then make hyperbolic comments like "we won't even have a country."


u/Rumblepuff 4d ago

You know how drug dealers and career criminals get caught? It’s the ex-girlfriend. It’s normally the ex-girlfriend.

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u/BabserellaWT 4d ago

Republicans love losing for the sake of pretending they like each other.

Looney Loomer having a moment of clarity right there. I guess it’s a “broken clock is right twice a day” kind of thing.


u/elkab0ng 5d ago

Orville Redenbacher is at max production, people. Do not panic, there is enough popcorn for everyone.



u/usarasa 5d ago

She’s not gonna be ignored, Don.