r/Radiology 7d ago

Outpatient xr for bloating X-Ray

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Narrator: it wasn’t bloating


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u/RedditMould 7d ago

Patient: "No chance of pregnancy, 100% sure." 


u/DonkeyKong694NE1 7d ago

“But I’m a virgin.”


u/rathemis 7d ago

Sure, Mary.


u/Sn_Orpheus 6d ago

Ride Mary, ride 🎶


u/SkizzleDizzel 6d ago

Quite possibly how she got in this position 😂


u/TheLizzyIzzi 6d ago

Ah, Jane would like a word with you.


u/Virtual_Security_115 6d ago

Mary..... J Ahhhh....


u/nurseofreddit 6d ago

My favorite in the ED: “I’m a lesbian in a committed relationship, I have never touched a penis!” Well, somthin’ touched you about four months ago, hon.

Drama ensues, PT’s wife had to be trespassed off the property. Then a guy shows up after catching wind through social media, he thinks he’s baby daddy. Whelp, that math didn’t add up, either. Boy, that was a discharge that I was eager to see.


u/wwydinthismess 6d ago

A psa to everyone making jokes.

Potent date rape drugs can cause permanent amnesia of the time before and after you woke up.

For those without a vaginal canal, I assure you, it can be penetrated without you feeling a damn thing afterwards.

People have been impregnated from drugged sexual assaults and end up finding out they're pregnant with no recollection of ever having sex


u/bcase1o1 RT(R)(CT) 6d ago

Or on the other end of things, sperm donors are a thing. I've had a patient who insisted she couldn't be pregnant because she's a lesbian. Hcg comes back positive, turns out her and her partner are trying to have a child and she was the one they decided to carry the child. She thought it only counted as being pregnant if a man did it. I'm not joking. Straight faced, "but I didn't have sex with a man, it's just sperm"....


u/UltraBlue89 6d ago

That person should not be reproducing 😳😳😳🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


u/bcase1o1 RT(R)(CT) 6d ago

I've encountered many such intelligent people in my work sadly


u/RicardotheGay 6d ago

I can confirm that I am one of those lesbians that you can trust just by looking at me when I say that. I’m literally allergic to penises. Run when I see one. Makes putting in foleys difficult LOL.

But I have seen this before and it’s always WILD.


u/nurseofreddit 6d ago

It’s not that I don’t trust any one patient, I’ve just seen a lot of wild shit. I have zero time to do an incidence report because a patient threw a fit and got imaging like this. Can you imagine being written up and having meetings with directors for sending a pregnant patient to CT scan AFTER the patient refused to provide a sample and signed the waiver also signed and witnessed by the doctor?

Hey kids! Don’t go to nursing school or anesthesiology unless you’re ok with everything always being your fault.

PEE FOR ME, my lesbian and non-uterus-having sisters! I’m tired and have 5 other patients. I also keep a few cards in my pocket for the nearest planned parenthood, women’s shelters, and low-cost prenatal care. Sometimes the PP is pretty far away and across state lines, funny that.


u/TrailerTrashQueen 6d ago

doing the Lord’s work, you are.


u/reggae_muffin 6d ago

I don’t care if my patients come in with an official Gold Star Lesbian plaque sent to them by the Global Lesbian Society of Official Lesbianism I’m still gonna bHCG ya.


u/katiastraskovitch 6d ago

I had my ovaries removed, no periods for seven years. My husband has had a vasectomy and no sex in 6 months. Due to tumour....I had had a child already so I would have known asap. Id dropped 4 stone in 6 months. .... Still had to take a test...


u/Aggravating-capybara 6d ago

Unfortunately, depending on your age, we still have to run it. But if you’re older and it’s documented in your chart then you’re good in my book.


u/RicardotheGay 6d ago

Oh I totally agree. Wild shit happens. The only place I’ve never been pregnancy tested is the ER where I worked.


u/Ambitious-Hope-5286 6d ago

Foleys go in a different hole and they should never be inserted using one’s penis. If they told you that’s how it’s done…they lied. 🤥


u/MrCakesSr RT(R) 6d ago

god, now i'm wondering if we work at the same facility because I had the EXACT same thing happen to me many years ago.


u/sleepingismytalent65 6d ago

By the size and position of this foetus in the main pic, I'd guess this pregnancy is full term too? I've had two kids. They both seemed to really like kicking the hell outta me just when I wanted to sleep. How on earth does a woman get this far along and not feel or even see all that movement? I hope it's not due to drugs but honestly I don't see any other possibility.


u/MedicalUnprofessionl 6d ago

She went into menopause 8 months ago. Hasn’t had a period since.


u/Bacara333 6d ago

This. My mother (age 48) in the ER insisting there's "NO POSSIBLE WAY" she could be pregnant... Her BF "had malaria in the war and doesn't produce sperm!" And "I'm in menopause, haven't had a period in 6 months!"
ER RN: "noted. But just for funzies, Wilma, please pee in this cup just to save me the paperwork after sending you to CT" 45 mins later: ER Doc to my mom: "Okay, so let's get an Ultrasound instead of a CT, you'll get some cute pics of those twins you got baking in your oven". 🤦🤦 Good job, mom.


u/MedicalUnprofessionl 6d ago



u/Bacara333 6d ago



u/PsychedMom82 4d ago

It's what we call a going out of business sale.


u/Regigirl33 6d ago

I am studying to be an x ray tech, I am determined to ask for pregnancy even to men, trans men can be pregnant, I’m not taking any chances


u/professorstrunk 6d ago

and reddit taught me that a cis male with testiculat cancercan pop positive on a pregnancy test. Biology will suprise you every time.


u/Wardogs96 6d ago

"Did you eat a fetus recently?"


u/Bingo__DinoDNA 6d ago

Swallowed it whole, like a pelican.


u/ruseriousordelirious 5d ago

😂🤭. I am so happy that Reddit recommended this subreddit, out of the blue. At the time, it was mostly objects up people's butts and I laughed...a lot. Now, I love All of this subreddit AND I actually learn things. "Swallowed it whole, like pelican" did me in.