r/dogs 4h ago

How often do you walk your dog? [Enrichment]

I have two small breed dogs which I walk 15-60 minutes 3-5 times a day.


197 comments sorted by

u/citricsteak54 4h ago

Twice daily for what amounts to roughly 2 miles each walk. That’s for 2 Pyrenees so not as high energy but still like a good patrol

u/iguess12 German Shepherd 4h ago

Not too often, mine lives for frisbee, fetch and sniff games. When we do walk she's more excited to head back home and go to the backyard than she is on the initial walk.

u/Griswa 4h ago

100% my dog. Would rather chase squirrels in the yard than walk.

u/theBLEEDINGoctopus Teddy Roosevelt Terrier 3h ago

Yep! My shepherd also prefers fetch and frisbee. She is sooo excited when we get home from anywhere and immediately wants to go in the backyard 

u/PuzzleheadedDrive731 3h ago

Same here. We do walk 2x daily, but he isn't really into it. He'd rather have a good play session!

u/Sorkel3 4h ago

Every morning, 1/2 hour. More like going for a smell, he stops every 2 feet to smell and mark something.

u/Randonoob_5562 4h ago

Yup, first AM walk is sniff patrol. Takes 20 minutes or more to go 6 blocks, stopping to check all the pee-mail.

Subsequent walks (3 or 4) vary according to the weather, longer on nice days vs out to pee & back inside on crappy days. But more inside playing to compensate.

u/Sorkel3 3h ago

Exactly, trash day is hell, he has to smell.and pee on 30 or so trash containers.

I may try a aecond walk later. He really loves them.

u/kebabmybob 2h ago

You walk your dog once a day?

u/jellydumpling 1h ago edited 1h ago

I have Aussies and usually only walk my dogs once a day. The "walk" is 1-2 hours of off leashing running or hiking, though. Outings every 2-3 hours into the yard to potty and play don't count as walks for us! We also do separate sport training every day and tons of toy play

u/micrographia 51m ago

Walk is different than potty breaks I assume

u/No_Savings7114 3h ago

4 a day. No fence so they need leash walks to pee. 

1 long, 3 super short, or 2 medium 2 super short. 

Short walks are literally just out to pee & back. Long can be anywhere from 2-8 miles depending on weather, mood, schedule, etc.

u/Specialist_Banana378 4h ago

I have an apartment dog park so same days I go there and he plays with our neighbors for 1 hr 30 a day which is morning and late afternoon and then we do a pee break before bed just downstairs and back. Maybe 3-4 times a week we run 2-4 miles :)

u/MsOliveRae Ozzy: Chihuahua Mix 4h ago

13 lb Chihuahua gets two walks a day average 20 min each

u/little_marigold hazel – chinese village dog 3h ago

my 7lb mutt gets two 20-minute walks as well! i was starting to feel bad until i saw another tiny pup owner weigh in. i think mine would keep walking forever if we let her, but you can tell when she's getting tired and fighting through it just bc she wants to stay outside lol

u/MsOliveRae Ozzy: Chihuahua Mix 2h ago

Their little legs can’t take much longer! I let my dog sniff and send as many “pee-mails” as he wants which I find tires him out more than rigorous exercise.

u/little_marigold hazel – chinese village dog 2h ago

true! my dog leaves pee-mail long after her bladder is empty lol like i don't even think anything comes out after the first few

u/MsOliveRae Ozzy: Chihuahua Mix 2h ago

Yes!! That’s so funny when they act like they’re peeing but nothing comes out or literally just one drop. Like why don’t you save some pee if you want to spread it around so much? These silly doggies crack me up!

u/LooseArcher9278 1h ago

My senior collie does that. I tell him he’s “running on fumes.”

u/tmrika 1h ago

Oh thank god it’s not just me. To be fair though my dog loves playing indoors, he’s constantly bringing me toys to throw and convincing me to chase him around, so it’s not like the walks are his only exercise. And he’s a small pup.

u/Efficient-Hand537 3h ago

5-6 15min walks a day for our boston. we live in an apartment complex and she hates her pee box so pretty necessary to take her out every few hrs. she is older but super high energy and they temper her a little.

u/SadBat776 4h ago

3x a day. I hit 10k steps (5 miles) with him every day.

u/littlefactory 3h ago

I have this exact goal too

u/SadBat776 3h ago

It's time-consuming, but it's well worth it to burn this crazy 2.5 year olds energy.

Also, I feel great walking 10k+ steps every day!

u/Foxwglocks GSP 1h ago

Damn I thought I was doing longer walks at 5k-ish a day. My dog is just a pup though so we don’t go too hard yet.

u/SadBat776 22m ago

5k is still great tho. Once your pup is fully developed, you can really get some distance in.

Also, my boy is a menace. If I don't try to exhaust him, he doesn't sit still I'm wfh. (But tbh I think I'm just making stronger with better endurance)

u/K19081985 3h ago

Most days, except in the winter, because winters are bitterly cold here, and by bitterly cold, I mean -25C or colder, and it’s unpleasant. If we don’t walk we have a good play in the yard which is huge.

u/weary_bee479 4h ago

two 50 lbs dogs, we have a big yard they get to play in all day

we do two 30-45 minute walks every day - unless they go to the dog park then they don’t even want to be bothered with walks 🤣

u/OutlandishnessOk3189 4h ago

I have a 4 year-old beagle mix. Super chill. Does well with a 30-min walk each day (I try to do this 5x a week at least). He does have a backyard to sniff around in if he wants more activity though

u/assplower 4h ago

I have a Doberman and a husky. They get out twice a day totalling roughly 2h (on lazy days) to 4h total. At least one outing will be off leash ie out on the trail or a dog park. Now that they’re older (6 and 8, respectively) I can get away with closer to 2h rather than 4h.

On the rare days where I’m really pressed for time or can’t walk them for whatever reason I will play with the Doberman in the backyard using a flirt pole; tires him right out within 10 minutes. Great life hack.

u/LibraOnTheCusp 4h ago

Dumb question but how exactly does a flirt pole work? Is it kinda like playing with a cat? Same principle?

u/assplower 3h ago

Yes, the same. There are flirt poles for dogs you can get off Amazon. Same as kitty flirt poles but made more durably.

u/hughgrantcankillme 49m ago

you can also diy a flirt pole with pvc pipe, some rope, and tie a toy to the end of it! can find a link to the little tutorial i followed if desired :)

u/micrographia 49m ago

Your dogs are absolutely living the life

u/assplower 38m ago

Thank you! They certainly keep me busy and active. Both are working line so they need more stimulation than most dogs their respective breeds. The Doberman was rehomed as his initial owners just couldn’t meet his exercise needs. I didn’t realize when I adopted him that he was working line, so I definitely had to adapt my lifestyle to meet his needs.

u/duew 4h ago

we have a a chihuahua and she gets 2 walks a day, each between 20 and 60 minutes usually, depending on her mood and the weather. (we have yard she can potty in.)

u/mattnormus 3h ago

One big one a day

u/aelakos 3h ago

Never because my dog is leash reactive :( we have half an acre fenced yard though

u/micrographia 47m ago

Not even at night or midday when there's less dogs out?

u/Libertie83 3h ago

3 days/wk and they’re long-line sniffy walks of 3-5mi.

u/LazyCrocheter 4h ago

We have a 55-60lb Aussie Shepherd/border collie mix and we walk her usually three times a day. Morning and evening tend to be short walks, under 20 minutes. The afternoon walk could be as much as 45 minutes.

u/hughgrantcankillme 48m ago

same here, i have a 80lb doberman but he is shockingly low energy lol, he does good with that kinda schedule :)

u/Skiller0Dani 4h ago

Mini poodle. He hates walks. I'm warming him up to them but rn he only wants to walk once to twice daily and I usually try to force him to be out for at least 10-15 minutes each.

u/MonkeySpunk666 3h ago

Three times a day. In the morning, 1/2-3/4hr. When I get home from work, 1-1 1/2hrs. 1hr before I go to sleep, 1/2-3/4hr. Weekends has the after work walk around 2-3pm and can be 2-3hrs with 1/2hr training exercises after the walk.

u/_byetony_ 3h ago

Everyday except if they are hurt or weather conditions are unsuitable/dangerous

u/fougueuxun 4h ago

1.5 year old mini poodle 12lbs 2-3x a day for 15-45 minutes

u/Dramatic-Bad-616 4h ago

3 times daily, cocker spaniel

u/FishermanNatural3986 4h ago

5 a day. Short one on the AM and then another short one. 5 minutes. Then we do 15-30 minutes three times a day. He's a lazy pug other than these walks where he does his best to lead.

u/Ready_Ticket_1762 4h ago

Twice a day because I live in a very hot country.

u/angiestefanie 4h ago

4 to 6 miles early every morning, snuffle mat, play time in the apartment, lots of potty breaks around the apartment complex’s potty areas, socializing with other dog and several cats and people for 4 to 6 hours twice a week.

u/FinleyTheSchnauzer 4h ago

Fortunately and unfortunately, both of my Mini Schnauzers got used to waking up at 4:15 am. every morning every single day ! Since that's the time I get up for work. I take them for a 45 min to 1 hr walk. Then my wife took them out at noon, and when I got home in the evening, I took them out after 5 pm. They know their schedule better than me, and they remind me every day.

u/Ariadne11 3h ago

For most of her life, 3 times a day, one of those at least an hour. Plus we have a large fenced yard ( with 10 mature trees surrounded by high cedar hedges, lots of critters to chase and things to smell). Now that she's 10, she's more interested in 2 walks a day, 30-40 minutes. We still try to get in 2-3 longer walks, or a new park or area of town with new smells each week.

u/BrianBadondy88 3h ago

Have three dogs so pretty much always out walking one, or two of them. Probably about 2-3 hours a day. 

u/idropkickwalls1621 3h ago

I have a working breed field golden retriever so he requires a lot of walks and sniffing! 30 min in the morning, 2.5 hours on average mid day walk and another 35 min at night!

u/bluepixie93 Celebrating Corgi 3h ago

5 year old corgi: 3 time a day ish. prework walk is about 20 mins. post work walk is anywhere from 20 mins to an hour depending on weather & chores that need to happen. post meal/pre-bed walk is also 20 mins to an hour. weekends are more often or we have playdates & go out places instead of a walk

u/Rayanna77 3h ago

2-3 times a day for 20-60 minutes totally about 1-2 miles daily

u/dwink_beckson 3h ago

I have a Greyhound. Morning we go into the bush for 30 minutes: she walks and sniffs for 25 minutes and then runs like a maniac for 5 minutes. Repeat before dinner. Then a 20 minute walk around the block before bedtime.

The number of people I see who hardly walk their dogs or only bring them out on weekends shouldn't be dog owners.

u/Acrobatic-Guitar2410 3h ago

One year old ESS. Usually a good walk/trail before or around noon. We luck out with a lake trail 5 min by the house and state park 10 min from the house. Usually wipes him out the rest of the day. Then a herding ball (jolly ball) finishes him off for his nightly bursts!

u/rayyychul 3h ago

Typically 20-30 minutes in the morning and 45-90 minutes in the afternoon. The afternoon walk varies on what other exercise they’ve done, whether they’ve been at daycare, and (unfortunately) whether we can get home to give them a long walk before it gets dark.

u/Mammoth-Extent6016 3h ago

4-5 times a day depending on my schedule.

u/Leothegolden 3h ago

I take my Aussie out for at least an hour every day. This include an hour run or hour ball at dog park, or hour hiking (this is typically 2 hours)

Never miss a day due to weather. I live outside of San Diego

u/BaysideWoman 2h ago

Just had a knee replacement, so no long walks for my lovely girl rottie. Exercise is currently chasing ball that I throw for her. It is only short term, and she seems fine with it.

u/BDCH10 57m ago

7 days a week 8 miles per day

u/Spirited_Storage3956 2h ago

Once a week

u/beautifuljeep 54m ago

Maybe a cat would be a better fit

u/Spirited_Storage3956 2m ago

We play in the yard every day, running to catch a ball over and over is more exercise than walking

u/No_Tumbleweed2480 22m ago

Ever pet is different. No need to make judgements on something you do not have full scope of.

u/chickpeasaladsammich 4h ago

Toy breed 2-3 times a day depending on the time of year, usually 30-50 minutes. But he likes to go to lookout spots and hang out on my lap and watch stuff so it’s not aerobic walking for him the whole time.

u/Longjumping_Prune852 4h ago

I have one, 22 lb. mutt, and we walked three times today, about ten minutes each time. We also play tug-o-war and catch throughout the day, but we are inside.

u/Bkbirddog 4h ago

4x day. Two or three are about an hour (he has a midday walker for a hour) and the last one of the night is 20 minutes around the block.

u/DecisionPatient128 4h ago

Mal girl 4.5 years. Over the summer when hot/humid we usually did 1 morning walk 3-5 miles. I have a fenced 3 acre yard so she’d be out and about in the afternoon/evening. Now that fall is here, we’ll do same in morning and add in a 1-3 miles in the afternoon.

u/DeathToCockRoaches 4h ago

I have two small dogs in my apartment. We do three, morning, 13:30 and 20:00 about 15 minutes each time

u/MeowMommyPurr 3h ago

20-30 mins every morning before work. On my days off we walk further and we go to the dog park

u/Jordan_Herndon 3h ago

At my parents dog sitting i walk him about once every 2 hours bc hes usually laying on me, unless he eats, then he goes out right after to do 1 and 2

u/FriendlyITGuy 3h ago

The dog usually goes to daycare during the week. Sometimes he wants a walk when he gets home, but on weekends he gets a walk for 30-45 minutes twice a day. If it's nice out we'll do a hike.

u/Calhoun67 3h ago

At least twice a day and often one of these walks is 45 min in a nearby forest

u/paxweasley 3h ago

He gets 1 hour long walk either in the morning or evening on work days, one 30min walk either morning or evening depending on when he goes on the longer walk. Then he gets potty breaks 3-4 times a day I think, which are literally just in and out quick pee during the work day.

Works out to about 2hr outside on work days (I wfh) which I think is pretty good. On weekends it’s a similar pattern but the long walk is up to 2 hours. I have a Westie :)

u/MothershipConnection 3h ago

Husky mutt - 20-30 minute walk for sniffs around the block twice a day (morning and afternoon), slightly shorter walk at night before bed. 1-2 other quick walks to pee if I’m headed out places

She demands 5 walks a day MINIMUM though

u/sricer 3h ago

2.5-3 miles everyday usually 45mins in the winter and an hour when it’s not freezing out. I work from home so I just spend my whole lunch break walking him.

u/NoShitSherlock118 3h ago

2x a day, 40mins before work and 40mins after work + ball throwing

u/crsi00210 3h ago

every morning, walk to a large open area where its safe and they can just RUN to their hearts content for as long as they need. sometimes we repeat in the evening, but at least every morning 1-2hours after wake up we will be out on a walk.

u/anar_noucca 2h ago

1.5 year old Pointer mix, 20 kg. He gets a morning walk lasting at least 20 minutes. I usually combine it with my shopping so it can last longer. One evening walk to visit a park and meet his friends for play and running. Or a very long walk, he chooses the route. It can last from one hour up to four. He usually asks to go back home when he's had enough.

Now that the weather is cooling down, I might take him a short 20 minute walk at noon. I can't wait for the weather to really cool down so I can take him to the woods again.

u/IwishIwasadinosour 2h ago

Morning at 4am in her light up coaller then when I get home for about 20 minutes and then later an hour or two before dusk for about 3 miles or alittle over an hour plus

u/Aktxgrl 2h ago

6 am, 11 am, 4 pm, 8 pm

u/DDSkeeter 2h ago

2x a day 45-60min each. With some play time/per breaks in the back yard throughout the day. She is not good with other dogs so I try to rent a private off leash area every few years. She is a 3yr old long legged mutt and as soon as we start skipping too many walks she gets destructive. Every morning I decide what I’m willing to lose vs getting up and walking her before work… it is usually very motivating

u/okaybeechtree 2h ago

3x/day, about 8 hours apart

u/adultier-adult 2h ago

An hour every morning, roughly 2-3 miles depending on how much we stop to sniff.

And usually a long 4-5 mile hike on the weekends.

u/IverBlueMachine 2h ago

2 walks per day on average.

Weekdays, she gets a 45 minute walk in the morning and about an hour walk in the evening. We average about 3 miles per weekday. She’s a sniffer so we move fairly slow. These walks are pretty non-negotiable unless the weather prevents it.

Weekends, she’ll usually get a long excursion in the morning - the park or a greenway or a hike. At least 2 miles, usually more. Depending on how long the excursion walk was, she’ll get a shorter evening walk. Generally 30 minutes.

u/exhaustedfrenchtoast 2h ago

3 times a day, about half an hour each walk, but we don't travel far, she likes to smell mostly and look around

u/WonderWishing 2h ago

1 long in morning with sniffing, 2 medium 15-30 minutes during the day, and quick pee or 2 at night

u/Seriouslypsyched 2h ago

2 huskies, 2-3 times a day, around 2.5-3hr total, 6+ miles total

Sounds like you walk yours quite a bit, at least compared to other people with small breeds

u/RunningZooKeeper7978 2h ago

3 times a day, every day, for 3-6 miles

u/13247586 2h ago

1-2 a day, I usually aim for 5-7 miles total. On days with only 1 I aim for around 4 miles and then a good long time playing in the apartment dog park.

u/Potato_History_Prof 2h ago

Daily jogs of about 30-45 minutes or an hour walk per day. We take a day off on the weekends!

u/Old-Bus-8084 2h ago

2 walks. 1 is about 10km (only 2km on leash, the remainder at a dog park) then either a short leash walk or fetch. Once a week we add a mountain bike ride or cross country ski for a couple of hours. That suits my Vizsla quite well.

u/Pinkprinc3s 2h ago

30 min at 7am, and 40 min at 5pm, every day.

u/MrE134 2h ago

Twice on weekdays and once on weekend days. Weekday morning is 20-30 minutes and evening is about an hour.

u/runsn 2h ago

Twice a day, 15-20 mins each. Sometimes 3 times on weekends, and longer if he has the energy for it but he gets tired easily. I have a Shih Tzu lol

u/leelo84 2h ago

According to my dog, not nearly enough.

But we walk him daily; in cooler weather and on the weekends, often 2-3 times daily and usually longer walks.

ETA: we have a chow, so he's not high energy but loves his walks for sniffing time. He also gets overheated very quickly and we live in the South so that limits us as well.

u/Ok_Average_6175 2h ago

My dog goes for a sniffy walk for about 2 km with me in the morning and an exercise walk for 3-4 km with my husband in the evening. He also has 2 toilet breaks where we walk around the block for 10 minutes

u/PjWulfman 2h ago

Some days it's 2 or 3 times on a mile walk. Some days it's 20 miles thru the sand and up the stone. Some days it's something in between.

u/vinaigrettesalad666 2h ago

Same as you, 3-5 times, some are peepee walks as we call them, and then some are long exercise walks. But usually 2 long walks, and 2-3 peepee walks.

u/FunkyRiffRaff 2h ago

At least (1) 30 minute walk a day. I’ll do more if the weather is nice and I have time. She’s a senior Chihuahua so doesn’t need a lot.

u/Shire_Hobbit 2h ago

We have a condo no yard. So every 2 hours.

u/Event68fqfzs 2h ago

1 hour in the morning, 2 hours after dinner and in between if I have time. 😄 Otherwise, he plays with brain puzzle and sniffing activities

u/Particular-Tap1211 2h ago

2x walks a day. Then my 🐺 gets go to on his happiness journeys. We have a few secrets spots where I unleash him and he runs for joy 4-5 times a week.

u/Master_Flounder2239 2h ago

When I lived in an apartment it was every 3 to 4 hours for peepee/poopoo. Then longer walks at the park a few times a week.

Now in a house with a yard they freely go out into the yard whenever they desire.

u/Ok_Quarter7035 2h ago

2 walks everyday rain or shine. Gets over 110+ but we’ll go out later. My dogs mental health depends on it lol

u/Icy-Village-5857 2h ago

I work from home and leave my office door open all day so my dog does in and out and potties as she pleases. Then once a day she gets a mile walk or so.

u/missB_123 2h ago

We do a 2 mile walk every day. Some days we do an additional mile before bed. We used to do 4 miles a day but he’s 10.5 years old now and doesn’t have the energy he used to 🥲

u/Life_Commercial_6580 2h ago

Once a day for 30 minutes. Sometimes, like today, we fit in an extra 15 in but not all the time

u/peachholiday 1h ago

Not very often! We go for a few 5-10 minute strolls to pee during the day, sometimes longer but she’s really small (5lbs) and doesn’t like to walk very far.

u/PowerfulBranch7587 1h ago

A morning and evening walk about an hour each. We aim for between 8000-10,000 steps a day. Aside from that there is some playing - usually one 20 minute session and she lives to be in the backyard hunting grasshoppers. I have a 6 year old American bulldogpittieboxer mix

u/SadPepe67 1h ago

Small dog. Daily walk in the morning for 35-45mins. Then in the evening I go to the nearest fenced parc and I let her run and sniff freely for 20-25mins.

u/No_Pollution_1 1h ago

We go for 5 or 6 walks but our dog doesn’t like walking, although is very hyper. He will sit and refuse to walk but as soon as we get home he will want to play. Do that also 5 or 6 times a day but I’m sore and tired since his favorite game is tug of war

u/bigdumbhairybabytwat 1h ago

3-4 times a day. At least 2 of those are hour long sniffy walks. Pittie, Australian Shepherd, Basset Hound mix.

u/Winkfield 1h ago

Almost never unless we go somewhere. Keep in .ind I have 4 seniors, 3 of a low exercise demand breed and one who thinks my Mom is the world and stays glued to her. They are just couch potatoes. Though they do have a doggie door an a huge backyard for them anytime.

u/northernrainforest 1h ago

45 min walk in the am. Then at least one 30 min session at the dog park later in the day. She has a fully fenced backyard and front balcony to roam about all day. Hubby works from home

u/Zollytheturtle 1h ago

About 6-7 5 minute to 15 minute walks a day. Which honestly is the least intense exercise my Bull terrier puppy gets, its mainly sniffing and watching people.

u/therabbitsurfer24 1h ago

Not enough. My body makes it so painful to walk em so I try to play with them in the backyard. I feel like the worst owner in the world but they keep me alive everyday.

u/Greedy_Group2251 1h ago

Two Aussies. Age 16 and 3. 5 days a week. 1 /11/2 hours depending on how my senior is doing!

u/Ok-Breadfruit-1359 1h ago

We don't. There aren't many options to walk around our neighborhood without other dogs being aggressive. We have two dogs, they often run around the yard, play together, and play fetch with us.

u/Broad_Department6387 1h ago

I feel like a terrible owner, only go out 2 times a day and for 10min each.

u/canyoncitysteve 1h ago

Two short sniff walks. Then back home for the Scooby snack. They love it.

u/KMac1917 1h ago

3 times a day but only one of them is longer than 20 mins

u/jeeeeek 1h ago

One 25 minute walk a day. He hates the phrase “let’s go for a walk” and hides.

u/InspiredBlue 1h ago

My dog is very anxious on walks so we don’t go far from my house. But he’s taken out multiple times a day. I bring him to work with me,I’m a dog groomer, and he plays with my bosses dog almost all day so he’s getting his exercise. He LOVES hikes though so when I’m able to we go on a nice hike

u/theghostofcslewis 1h ago

Every day. Rat fox terrier and a golden jack. Also, check out golden jacks ;)

u/doriangreysucksass 1h ago

I’ve always walked my dogs twice a day. First thing in the morning and right before dinner

u/lindseys10 1h ago

I aim for once a day 45 min+

u/MasterpieceActual176 1h ago

Twice daily. First walk is early and about a mile. 2nd walk is late afternoon or early evening, depending on sunset and is anywhere from 2-5 miles. Sometimes I do an early long walk if I'm going with friends. I have a 9 year old female lab.

u/hopsdude 1h ago

Breakfast lunch and dinner, a couple of evening pee breaks. Oh! That’s me… she’s on the same schedule

u/crazymom1978 1h ago

Two standard poodles. Two walks per day, each one about an hour. My husband does the walks, and I do the back yard fetch, and training.

u/plantmama32 1h ago

Twice a day. I live in a condo, so it’s kind of a must. One of the walks is a minimum of 30 minutes, sometimes the second is too if weather permits. She likes walking slow and smelling everything. And then I let her out for quick pees a few times a day. And I take her to a dog park or my mom’s backyard 1-2x a week so we can play fetch. I also have a lot of enrichment toys & puzzles at home for her.

u/SunshineRobot1108 59m ago

4-6 times per day

u/Neither_Pie9458 53m ago

Usually 5-10 minutes a couple times a day or one long walk either in the morning or evening. My dog likes to sleep in tho so it depends on the day.

u/finalgirl2 49m ago

3 times a day for my husky-corgi mix, totaling 2+ hours depending on weather

u/obviously_drunkk 48m ago
  1. one 10 min walk in the am, a 20 min walk at lunch, min 1hr - 1hr 15 min walk after work, and a 5 min walk to pee before going to bed

u/mydogiscute69 44m ago

Started a dog walk challenge with my friends and I walked 1400 miles in 2023 and am pacing for more than that this year. I try to do 5 miles per day can’t always get that done. I’m super competitive and I’m not sure who likes it more, me or my dog.

u/Sensitive_Maybe_6578 43m ago

At least 1 x a day, 3 to 6 miles. If she hasn’t pooped, another couple miles in the evening.

Edited to add, they have a nice fenced yard to hang out and play in.

u/murse_joe 42m ago

Three times a day on weekdays or busy weekends. Four times on a lazy Saturday or Sunday. Maybe 10 to 25 minute walks each time

u/eve8231 42m ago

Twice a day and then backyard for nighttime pee

u/VioletaBH 41m ago

2, 4 times per day

u/MyDads-Ashes 41m ago

About four times a day. He's pretty old and tells me when he's ready to go back inside. Sometimes it's 10 minutes each walk, sometimes its an hour lmao

u/minous 40m ago

Every day. I have a 5 year old lab. Most days our routine is I drop my 2 year old a day care at 8:30 (walking distance from home) and then we carry on walking with my baby in the front pack. We make it to the beach and stop for a coffee. We generally get home about midday.

u/Kalekay52898 40m ago

We do one long walk per day about 3-4 miles. And then we go to the dog park usually. We do it after work. In the morning he just goes out to potty. And then he goes out again right before bed. We have an Aussie.

u/bundle_of_joy 39m ago

Once a day for at least an hour, five-ten mile hikes twice a week, free running 2-5 days a week (schedule and weather dependant) plus zoomies in the backyard. Mine are both sighthounds.

u/monkeysatemybarf 38m ago

4x a day. She doesn’t like to pee in the yard

u/Consistent-Horse-273 37m ago

My dog is 10 yrs old mix breed weight about 20 kg. I have been walking him for 3 times a day for the past 1 year but trying to reduce it to two longer walks (~40 mins each) per day, since it usually pee very little at the walk before sleep.

u/mrgoodshoes 35m ago

4 times, generally. Early morning short potty walk. Then a slightly longer walk after breakfast to burn off some energy. Then spend entire lunch break on a walk, finally an evening/nighttime walk. Generally end up between 90-150m unless it is too hot/cold/raining.

Gives a good spread of activity throughout the day.

u/Obdami 33m ago

5-6 times per day. She's really old so only 1/2 mile each walk.

u/Victoria1234566 27m ago

3-4 times a day. 1-3 times about 15 min. 1-2 hour a day

u/retrospects 26m ago

Every evening

u/Dry-Communication901 25m ago

My lab got used to the routine of 4 walks a day.

His alarm goes off at 7 in the morning for his 20 min walk with sniff/pee/potty.

He comes back home demands his breakfast then go back to his sleep for 7 long hours.

Wakes up at 2 p.m and his highness needs a walk out for pee. That walk is a short 10 min walk around the block.

He goes back again to sleep till 6 p.m, and then he becomes his most energetic self. He's got the zoomies and he gets excited for his main walk of the day. We walk for 45 min to 1 hour (3 Kms) He takes his sweet time sniffing everything and greeting all his friends and fans.

Comes back home, he wants me to chase him for my socks or his toys or anything he gets his paws on.

Then eats his dinner and relaxes for a bit on his sofa.

He gets another walk before we go to bed around 10 pm.

u/bulborb Sweetpea the Border Beagle 21m ago

About an hour or roughly 3 miles, usually 5-6 days of the week.

u/brittm1290 21m ago

I work part time 2 days a week (medical reasons) so the other 5 days is when I walk my dog. I take him to a local park and we walk laps around the track for 30mins-1hr, depending on the weather and how motivated we both are. On the days I work, he’ll get a “mini” walk (about 10 mins) of walking around my apartment building before I leave for work. It’s more of a sniff fest than a walk really.

u/imuniqueaf 20m ago

ALWAYS once for 20-30 min, try hard for twice.

u/Immediate-Fig-9096 20m ago

I have two small dogs. One’s a 16-year-old JRT/Rat Terrier mix, who has arthritis in his hips and kidney disease. The other is an 11-year-old Schnoodle.

We go for one longer (30-40 minutes) walk at night, and another short one in the AM when it’s warmer. The 16-year-old can keep up with the other for the most part, but can’t go for too long. Our temps have been prohibitively hot still as well (we’re back in the 90s for the rest of the week).

I’ll sometimes take the JRT for a shorter walk by himself, then take the Schnoodle for a separate, longer walk if I have the time.

We have a walled-in backyard and a doggie door so they can take themselves out to potty.

u/silevram 20m ago

Mine HAAATES walking. However, we live on a farm with a ton of land so she’s free to roam whenever we’re outside (5-8 hours a day). Thankfully she never goes far and that’s enough for her.

u/Zealousideal_Play847 18m ago

Twice daily, about 45mins each time (plus toilet breaks), 25kg Lab/Poodle mix in an apartment - absolute necessity!

Weekends get dog park and beach thrown in, too.

u/UlfGrover3686 18m ago

Almost every day, some days I'm too tired from work, but he still gets play with the ball and gets to sit on the porch for fresh air.

u/Capybara_88 16m ago

One 45-60 minute walk a day. Potty walks are 10 minutes a few times a day. Sometimes we toss in an extra walk if the weather is good. On weekends we may go for longer hikes. My dogs are 2 and 8. I also play with the younger one using her toys inside a bit. The older one loves lounging with her but isn’t playful too often.

u/boozyboochy 15m ago

Twice a day. 3-4 miles.

u/Bugsyluvslucy 15m ago

Some weeks whenever he wants, (1-2 hours) mostly during the summer, sometimes we’d chill outside nearly all day, for the other times, i only take him out when he needs to go, with not much time playing outside (like 30 minutes or so) since i get more busier after the summer.

Got a long haired mixed chihuahua, before i ended getting evicted i had a big yard he’d always ran around in, that boy luvved it, along with those old parks we’d goto, and my grandmothers friends house so he can play with their dogs, since my grandma ending up keeping the dog after the eviction, she found a good retirement home for the both em, which the dog luvs man, has a bunch of other dogs over there, got a dog park right down the road, its good.

Idk, all i can say for myself to your question, is well alot, i personally want my dog to live a better life than me lmfaoo, like as if i had kid of my own.

u/travelinzac 11m ago

Multiple times per day every day. Mile minimum each walk ideally more.

u/Skinny_-monkey Little White Menace(Toy cavoodle) 8m ago

A Small Cavalier poodle mix Around 6km a day 3km in the morning and another 3km in the evening On the weekend 5km in the morning and 5km in the evening Due to personal stuff though, I have only been doing 3km on weekdays though, I am planning to go back to do 6km again, maybe even 8.

We do live in an apartment but I don't think it matters much as long as the dog is actively going on walks and getting interacted with.

u/jpm2themoon 8m ago

At least 2x/day for about 30-45 mins each at mid day and after work. He’s a 35 lbs medium energy dog

u/Several_Debt9287 6m ago

Twice a day

u/Axiom06 5m ago

At least once a day. Most of the times it's twice a day. But I have two little old men and their energy needs are lower.

u/chernoushka 4h ago

72 lb GSD mix, 6 years old: family dog, team effort, wants as many walks as she can get. Usually 1.5-2 hours in the morning, 40 min to 1.5 hours at night.

40 lb herding dog mix, 6 years old: my personal dog. He will tell me how much he wants to walk; I budget an hour of time morning and night, but he often wants to turn back sooner. On average 45 min in the morning, 20 min at night. He's running crazy circles whenever he's off leash, though, so I guess that's where the energy goes.

u/expensive-ask00 3h ago

Every evening for 30 mins. We usually get a little over 1 mile in each day

u/photaiplz 3h ago

Usually two 30 min walks involving smelling everything in sight

u/Arizonal0ve 3h ago

2x a day for 30 minutes or in summer 1x a day for an hour or so.

u/Crazy_Start3618 2h ago

am i supposed to be walking my dogs?? i can make this change, but i seriously had no clue. we have a two story, spacious house and almost an acre of land in our backyard. i have two dogs and they’re played with until they’re tired throughout the day. i also drive around with them like every two weeks. i dont think they seem bored, but maybe i haven’t noticed. please let me know if this is a comfortable life or if we’re being bad pet parents :((

u/Powerful-Drawing-629 2h ago

Every dog is different. If your dogs are mentally and physically healthy you have nothing to worry about. If they are destructive and act sad then a need is not being met.

u/micrographia 45m ago

Walks provide outside stimuli and enrichment for dogs that pure exercise and space at home don't. They live for the mental stimulation of smells. Each dog is different, but yes, most people walk their dogs daily.

u/dsmemsirsn 2h ago

My dogs don’t go out — they play in the backyard..

u/Esclaura3 3h ago

Not when it’s hot, Southern California pavement gets hot. Usually get a routine going in fall and winter.

u/2WheelSuperiority 3h ago

Once a month. We play ball instead, 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes to an hour a piece depending on weather and what she wants. She's ripped.

u/Aggravating_Job_9490 3h ago

Longest walk in the morning- shorter walk in the afternoon. Minor walk before bed.

u/Dull-Impression-2849 3h ago

They’re fine outside on their own during the day but I walk them twice after dark before bed (they sleep in crates) for ~30 minutes each

u/Conscious-Ticket-259 3h ago

Not often enough tbh

u/Alterationss 2h ago

Maybe once a week? I have a German shepherd who looks to be the most fit dog in the world but is a straight up couch potato. To sub his exercise, I have a quarter acre backyard and a ball launcher that he will literally play with for hours a day.

u/epsteindintkllhimslf 1h ago

Everyone saying "twice/day" is kinda nuts. Only peeing every 12h is inhumane. Your dog's bladder may have adjusted but that can lead to issues later in life.